“Desire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the ordinary.”Joseph Wirthlin
Most of us have the habit of setting goals on the new year's eve. One of the survey says
that only 8 % of the people follow
through the actions and finally achieve the goal. Why new year resolution
or even generally goal setting could not be carried forward? One of the reasons could be the resolutions or goals are
mere wish and this alone will not bring the result. The goal lacks “ burning
desire”, that mean compulsion or a
strong need to achieve the goal.
There are two
approaches through which we can
have a burning desire. One is
thinking how the goal will bring
pleasure or happiness to you if you achieve the goal. The second is
thinking the pain you will have or
continue to have if you are not achieving the goal. This will drive you to take
necessary actions.
For example,
you are setting a goal to improve your
communication skill or relationship quality
significantly this year. You intensely realize that if you improve the communication skill or
relationship quality, you can win any battles in life. Also realize that if you
are not improving the skills, you cannot even be successful in job interviews and lifelong you will have
struggles.Associate this pleasure and pain with your goal of improving the
skill and this will drive you to take
all actions to achieve the goal.
Today's action is to
associate the burning desire to your goal and start taking action. You will attract Good things in your Life!.
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