Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Summarizing - Art of developing influence

 Summarizing - Art of developing influence 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we have discussed the art of influencing for the last 14 weeks, let us summarise the key learnings.
  • While we go up the career ladder, beyond a certain point, we need to get things done beyond our functional boundary, and positional power alone will not help. We need to develop influencing skills to get things done.
  •  We need to be aware of our dominant influencing style (logical, commanding, balancing, or engaging) and be mindful of other person's influencing styles. We need to modify depending on the context and other people's styles. Most workplace problem is due to inflexibility in influencing style.No single style will help in all situations. It is more about awareness. 
  • We can see some patterns in highly influencing people in the workplace. Two things we can learn from them. One is their mindset or thinking pattern, and the other is their behavior or practices to influence others.
Regarding mindset
  • They operate with a WIN-WIN philosophy and always look at maximizing their impact and others in every interaction.
  • They will always look at the position with pride and make their body language and tone positive, which helps to influence others easily.
  • They have a high level of clarity of what they want in each interaction/task and operate an outcome-based thinking process.
Regarding practices
  • They put their continuous effort into building their credibility by developing expertise or improving relationships with others.
  • They display respect for others by keenly listening
  • They empower others by outlining the task and not indulging in micro-management, however available when the situation is required for the people
  • They are good at communication, and they are more expressive while explaining the need for the task
  • They will always look for fixing the process than people.
  • They will develop charisma by being authentic in their domain.
To summarise, developing the art of influencing takes time and effort. However, the payoff will be high for any professional's growth, and everyone has to invest in it.
Have a great week ahead!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Why is your brand essential for growth?

Whether we like it or not, each person is like a  product which needs to be sold in the job market.Since most of your time is being spent in profession either working for an organization or owning a business, your brand in your work environment is important criteria for your progress in the career ladder.

What is a personal brand?

It is the perception of others about you when they think or what comes to their mind, which is your identity or brand. 

Now the question yourself, what is your brand in your organization? What identity or brand you had created in your organization?

You could have created a perception either as problem solver, people manager, taskmaster, good analytical person, hard worker, forward thinker or problem creator, complainer, blamer, lack of interest to learn, not dependable person and so on 

Based on the brand you establish,you are creating your opportunities and growth.

Good news is that little effort, you can build or change your brand as you want.

Be just aware of your personal brand and change or leverage it for your personal and professional growth in 2018!

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Building confidence with small success

In business or professional environment, the biggest challenge is selling our idea or believing that the idea will work.That is building a confidence within us and to others.

Building confidence in self-levels:

This cannot be built  only through external stimuli like reading books, listening motivational lectures, etc. as they build confidence momentarily and short lived. Real confidence will be built deeply at conscious level only by doing and experiencing small success.

              For example, if you want to improve your confidence on public speaking skills, you cannot immediately do it in a large crowd. Instead, you consciously experiment in a small group, take action, and taste the success. Your subconscious mind registers the successful event. Next time, when you are speaking in larger groups, your mind pushes you with positive reinforcement of earlier success and you may do well. Again, the mind registers this event as positive reinforcement. This way only, you can improve your confidence in public speaking.

Building confidence at team level:

             Similarly, if you want to  build confidence to your team  about any new initiative ,they need to see it and believe  it .Hence   experiment  the iniatives in a small way , be focused, take action, achieve and celebrate it .This  positive reinforcement   of success will give confidence to your team for taking higher level  initiatives .
              Building confidence is one of the leadership qualities  and it is time consuming,but more powerful once it is built . Hence, the action plan is to identify the area in which you have low confidence level, take small action, taste the success and this small success will help you to achieve more!