The difference between a person, who is happy and someone is unhappy, is not about how often they feel low or depressed. It is how they deal with “low mood” situation.
For example, most of us, when we feel bored, sad or feeling low, what we use to do? Immediately we switch over to browse WhatsApp, Facebook or changing the channels on TV. The strange thing is even after completing all the outlets; again we feel sad or depressed. The reason is that we are not accepting the reality of the state and allow our mind to undergo the feeling of low .Instead we switch to others.
Just experiment this when you feel low. Be open and accept that you are feeling sad, and go through the moment of sadness for a few minutes. You will surprise that you come up with the positive mood in a moment. Instead, if you look for some outlet, you are suppressing the reality, and again you start feeling low.
As I observed a few highly effective people when they feel low or hear bad news, they accept that moment and use to be calm for a few moments. Then they recover back quickly to their routine.
Hence accept – undergo – get back. This requires your awareness of your intention when you feel bad and overcome it positively!
One of the common complaints or phrases, I use to hear in an unorganized or small organization from employees is “I am not getting appreciation from my colleagues or manager”. In fact, it is not heard in a family environment, but it would be the hidden cause of all the domestic arguments and fights.It is particularly from spouse!
Why we are reluctant to appreciate others when they do even small good work?
The psychological reasons for this reluctance to appreciate others could be
Fear of losing control
More of self-centered and thinking as if no time for anything else
Taking granted others as they are part of us
Poor self-esteem or low confidence
Not being in awareness or always busy in something
This needs self-introspection within us.
One of the studies said that the person needs to be in a positive frame of mind. If one is not in a positive state, he/she cannot able to appreciate others. Hence, appreciation is not for only motivating others, it is a measure of our wellness of mental strength.
Relook your habit of appreciation of others and frequency, especially the people in your family and the people are working for you. It reflects your mental health.
We enjoy what we do only when the colleagues, partners, teammates are in almost same wavelength, that is a similar thought process, acceptance, understandings about the intentions etc .However in reality, we may work with the people who may not be similar thought level. Practically you may not have an immediate solution to move away from them, the only option left out is to cope with them.
How to deal with those people?
Accept their qualities as such. The moment you accept them, you mentally prepare yourself to work with them
As you think more about them, you are developing negativity about others and reinforce your non-acceptance.
Think & distant yourself beyond them as life provides a lot of opportunities to enjoy and then you realize how small they are in your life
Least, you relate with nature.Nothing lasts forever like cyclic of day and night.Everything will change
The point is you can not change all the things as you like, but you need to adapt to reality as ultimately you need to do a lot in a short span and your peace of mind is important!
As discussed last week, in personal and professional life, maintaining harmony with our daily interesting people is must have peace of mind, quality of work, in turn growth and happiness.
Irrespective of the difference of opinion or conflict with others, still harmony can be maintained.If we observe highly successful and matured people, we can notice some of the practices while interacting with others.
Easily approachable
Connecting others with care
Consistency in behavior
Giving self first
Respecting and not approaching with fixed perception
Be helpful, friendly and firm
Maintaining harmony with others is a conscious choice for growth and happiness, which is possible with practice.
The given video link demonstrates the improvement in the relationship between boss and subordinate with the above factors…
Hope you enjoy it…
As discussed last week, in personal and professional life, maintaining harmony with our daily interacting people is must to have peace of mind, quality of work, in turn growth and happiness.
However, in reality, we struggle to maintain harmony with others.Rather than looking the reason from the other’s point of view,let us look it from within us. One of the expectation or condition, we set ourselves to maintain harmony with others is not accepting others if they differ from our thought process or opinion. This is strongly conditioned in our mind.
However, the nature reveals that no creation is same as others, each is unique.No two people can have same likings and thought process.We tend to mix people and issue together. Let us accept people, especially those are influencing our life on a daily basis .Accept them as such ,separate the intellectual part from the people part .Once if we accept the people as such , then we are open to see other good qualities of those people. It may be difficult for most of us to practice this, but this awareness is required to improve the quality of relationship.
Let us the discuss the factors will enable improved harmony next week.