Showing posts with label Skill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skill. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Holistic Planning before execution

  Holistic Planning before execution 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


As we discuss the importance of developing project management skills to get things done in addition to functional expertise as we move up, 80 % of the tasks are non-repetitive or project nature. We may need to deal with many stakeholders who may not directly report to us.

We discussed the relevance of defining outcomes in the beginning and reduce the complexity into simplicity to get things done in the workplace.
The next principle of project management is 
“Holistic Planning before execution.”

This principle says that before execution, we need to spend quality time on all aspects of planning. The mental visualization of possible risks will help us to solve the problem quickly as we already planned for it.
Generally, we do the planning before venturing into any event or task. However, we are primarily trained to plan typically on cost or budget, timeline or schedule aspects, and scope or deliverables aspects only.Having done reasonable planning on time, cost, and scope, we get into execution, and then we realize some changes in scope, and again, we get into managing the cost and timeline aspects. In the process, either we become poor in execution or the purpose is not met.

There only, project management suggests holistic planning beyond schedule, budget, and scope. The planning calls for a 360-degree approach to the event or task as much as possible. 
For example, when recruiting a senior person, you obviously go with the budget plan, timeline to close the recruitment process, job descriptions etc. Despite all the planning, the success of recruitment is not guaranteed. The reason is that we are not anticipating or visualizing other aspects related to recruitment beyond essential planning.
What are other factors to be planned before recruitment?

How are you going to search for the right people? (Procurement planning)
Who are all likely to get affected by the recruits, and what are their alternatives? (Stakeholder planning)
How do we communicate the new recruitments to all the employees? (Communication planning)
How does the organization structure change? (People planning)
What is the likely growth plan for the new recruit? (People planning)
How can we ensure the success of the new recruit in the first 100 days / one year in given organization dynamics? (Risk management planning)
What will happen if the new recruit fails or leaves the company quickly? (Risk mitigation planning)

You may note that this planning process goes beyond the budget/time/scope planning process, and this kind of visualization or planning process will likely lead to success…That is called holistic planning before the execution.
Holistic planning or visualization can be done for any simple daily task.

For example, you are making monthly presentation performance to your management team. In addition, with regular stuff or content, plan or think about who will be present in the meeting / what will be their likely questions / what may go wrong during presentations, and what is my plan B, etc.
Planning seems to be common sense; however, it needs to be holistic before execution, and looking at everything at 360 will give you an edge in getting things done.

This needs just awareness of our planning process before execution.

Have a great week ahead!

Complexity to Simplicity


 Complexity to Simplicity  
(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we discuss the importance of developing project management skills to get things done in addition to functional expertise as we move up, 80 % of the tasks are non-repetitive or project nature, and we may need to deal with many stakeholders who may not be directly reporting to us.

Last week, we discussed the relevance of defining outcomes in the beginning to get things done.

The next principle of project management is to “ Reduce the complexity into simplicity.”

Principle 2:
Reduce the complexity into simplicity by breaking down the major tasks into milestone tasks and managing milestone tasks effectively
It is human nature that we are overwhelmed with any assignments/projects by considering the amount of multiple activities and the complexity involved in each activity. In the process, either we get cluttered with many thinking about activities and are unable to move beyond or skip any activities and face the consequences later. This principle helps to overcome the challenges.

For example,

“ Implementing an ERP system in your organization is given to you as a project."

The moment you think of the successful implementation of an ERP system, many thoughts will come to your mind, like identifying vendors, people's acceptance, awareness creation, choosing the right technology, the scope of the implementation, lack of prior experience, and so on. In this process, we never move confidently to the next step or somehow get into implementation, but projects struggle to serve the purpose or fail.
The reason is our inability to break the complex project into many micro milestones and define each milestone with the outcome, stakeholder management in each milestone, risk estimation, and countermeasures.

The principle says any complex project can be broken down into manageable milestones. One has to ensure that each milestone will succeed and, eventually, the overall project will also be successful.

Mainly, it focuses on the current task and clarity on what we want….That is what a functional manager has to learn in any complex project.

For example, as HR head, if you are given a task to recruit a " Quality Head" for your organization, you can divide the tasks into milestones as below and focus on one milestone at a time and ensure the success of one milestone. That will make you focus clearly and execute well rather than thinking of entire tasks.

 Once you practice breaking any complex into simple tasks, that will make you focus clearly and have the ability to manage the challenges in any complex situation

Let us discuss some other principles next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Why project management skills in addition to functional skills?

 Why project management skills in addition to functional skills? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


As we have discussed the macro level importance of developing project management skills to get things done in the workplace, let us understand how a manager/leader is exposed to more of a project environment in day-to-day activities and the need for project management skills in addition to functional skills.
Even though we will be doing repetitive tasks in a functional area, when we grow up, we only get into more non-repetitive tasks.


Typically, in the organization, when you are at a lower level of the hierarchy, say at the executive level, your task may be repetitive. For example, in HR functions, as an executive, processing attendance and payroll are repetitive. When you grow up in the same HR functions and get into managerial positions, your tasks become non-repetitive. The non-repetitive task is the project.
For example, as HR head, "recruiting people" is a typical HR activity. It looks like a repetitive task, but it is not. Each recruitment is a new experience, new candidate, new profile, and requirements are different. Expectations of stakeholders like candidates and internal customers are different, and the timeline and cost are fixed.
You may relate to any function and managerial position, but you realize that we do non-repetitive tasks only 80 % of the time, even though it looks repetitive.

Whenever any task calls for different scope, timeline, and resource commitment, that is called a project.

When there is a project nature of work,
 there may be uncertainties of success, we need to deal with many stakeholders whose expectations are different, and conflict will be part of it; there is always pressure on meeting timeline and cost aspects.
This non-repetitive task or project needs different skills to overcome the challenges. Typical functional expertise alone is not sufficient. There only developing project management skills becomes essential.

To sum up, 
when we go higher up in our career, we will deal with more projects, and project needs different skills to manage the challenges beyond functional skills. The person who learns the project management skill will have more edge in getting things done in the workplace.
 Have a great week ahead.

New Tool- Online companion

  New Tool- Online companion 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Recently one of my well-wishers suggested that i should be aware of ChatGPT and its application, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is sweepingly changing how we do things.

As per his recommendation, i read the book " The Art of Prompt Engineering with Chat GPT,"  and it is an eye-opener on the power of AI, and i thought every professional should be aware of it as it is relevant for professional development.

Whenever any new technology comes in, there is always apprehension and skepticism about using the technology. But there are always positive aspects of any technology; using it properly will help us in professional development. One such technological tool is  ChatGPT -an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a form of generative AI - a tool that lets users enter questions/prompts to receive human-like responses, images, text, or videos created by AI with backend machine learning.

ChatGPT is similar to the automated chat services found on customer service websites, as people can ask it questions or clarifies anything.

Now some people are using this chatbot as an online companion.

How will this ChatGPT be helpful for personal productivity and effectiveness?

Knowing how to prompt the AI application with the right question will help us as virtual mentors or personal online assistants.

For example,

You have a drafted email to your customer, and you want to make sure you use the right words and format to reflect your communication style and context. AI will help you to correct the draft… Of course, many software is available to check grammatical and spell check; AI will help you more than that by aligning your communication style in the past and the context.

Similarly, if you want to modify your LinkedIn profile/ resume w.r.t many samples, it will do it when you give suitable inputs and the style you want it.

Similarly, as a business head, you want to check your new idea into business opportunities. It will guide all business planning aspects if you want to know more about market feasibility, consumer preference, risk, development roadmap, etc.

However, it all depends on the quality of the question you ask. That skill is called Prompt Engineering, which one needs to learn to leverage AI to make a personal assistant or virtual mentor.

Some of the advancement in technology looks scary, and historically, when we look at it, we can not avoid any advancement, and if we use it properly, it will help us for effectiveness.

It is now the beginning of a  long journey to leverage AI in our professional life and let us learn it. 
This book helps get an overview of ChatGPT and how we can harness our skill in prompting with the proper questioning and use AI-powered online companions for our professional development.

Enjoy learning a new skill!
Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Win -Win Mindset

 Win -Win Mindset 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we have discussed the influencing framework/process, we highlighted the importance of being aware of the context/situation. Also, being flexible in the influence style will help to get things done.
Now, let us understand more about the mindset, behaviors, and practices that highly influence people to apply when dealing with people and situations. They have never been perceived as commanding, misusing power, or rude, and people love to work with them. They easily get things done in the workplace despite the challenges.

Understanding and practicing those mindsets, behavior, and practices will help you become a high-influencing person in the workplace.
One such primary mindset that influences people to operate is a Win-Win mindset.
What is a Win-Win mindset?

Win-Win is a state of mind in which we look for mutual benefit in any interaction or business deal.
It is more about being empathetic about another person while focusing on your objective, fair, and flexible in finding a solution that meets both requirements.
Influential people ensure that the other person's needs are met in any interaction with others, either a small conversion or significant business deal sign-off.

For example,

You are spending time with one of your colleagues, and after the conversation, if both of them feel good about the interaction, get some value or solution or agreed upon mutual agreement. It is a win-win situation, and both of them win together.

If any of you leaves with an upset mood or gets humiliated or unheard, then there is a possibility of both of you being in a situation of lose-lose or lose-win, and either way, that will not be helpful.
In the same way, any business partnership works on a win-win basis only.
For example, one product organization signs a partnership agreement with the distributor. The organization has products but needs more marketing and distribution reach to customers. The distributor has access to customers but needs more products. When both sign the deal, they share the mutual value and gain revenue together. That is a win-win.

If anyone feels that the other person is exploiting others, it becomes a win-lose, and the partnership eventually breaks.
There is always an argument that it is not possible to have a win-win situation and mindset all the time. If both do not realize a win-win in the long run, the association or deal is not sustainable. In the short term only it works.

We can be in a win-win mindset only when we feel good about ourselves and are optimistic about our outlook. That needs awareness and practice.
This win-win concept is underrated, and if we apply it in all interactions and dealings, the ability to get things done will improve.

Based on this fundamental win-win mindset, some behaviors and practices are built upon, and let us discuss them further.
Have a great week ahead!

Being flexible in your influencing style

 Being flexible in your influencing style  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Last week we discussed awareness of the situation/context and how our influencing style helps to get things done. The third dimension of the influencing process is understanding the other person's dominant influencing style and being flexible to change our style accordingly.
The ultimate purpose of learning influencing skills is to get things done. This will happen only when we are flexible and adaptive to the SITUATION and modify our influencing style.

Consider the following real incidents in which we can learn the impact of flexibility in making things better or worst.

One of the product development organizations has the policy to approve any product proposal only when it meets certain conditions; for example,  ROI must be two years. The product development team put in their best effort and brought the new proposal; however, the ROI was not meeting, say it was three years. The finance head was going by rational and company policy. He insisted on holding the proposal. However, considering the features, the technical and marketing team was optimistic about going ahead. Everyone was right from their standpoint of view. The situation became inconclusive.

Generally, the CEO believes in the engagement type and wants to decide by consensus.
Now he took the lead in convincing the finance head to go ahead with the product development by stating the big picture of the product and its potential to change the company's destiny in the long run. (inspiring influencing). Also, he persuaded other functions to rework the cost and make it attractive. Finally, the project was approved unanimously, and the product changed the company's fortune within three years.
Here the key learning is the business head's flexibility to change his influencing type from engaging to inspiring and counter the finance head's rational influencing style. Just imagine, if he had not been flexible enough and firm to make decisions as per the team's decision, the company would have lost the opportunity.

Alternatively, in one of the small firms, the management recruited a senior person from a large corporate where he spent his entire life and believed in getting things done through a commanding influencing style. The family-owned business believes in an engaging type of influencing and involving all the people in important issues to arrive at decisions. The new person is not flexible to change his influencing style, and he soon lost all his teammates' confidence and eventually made exits. Here the problem is rigidity in adopting the same style of influencing.

Changing style depending on the situation and other people's style without hurting relationships is a winning influencing style of effective leaders. Ultimately things need to be executed, and relationship needs to be preserved.
The key point is we need to be aware of the situation or context, aware of our influencing style, and have the flexibility to change the style depending on the other' style and situation. That mindset makes us better leaders in getting things done.

Have a great week ahead.

Developing the art of Influencing

 Developing the art of Influencing 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we discuss Enhancing Execution capabilities in the workplace, we have discussed the relevance of personal leadership for the last 25 weeks. 

The next part of getting things done is learning the art of influencing others. The others could be direct reportees, peers, colleagues, and clients.
What is meant by influencing?

Influencing is persuading someone to think or accept our ideas or act the way we want.

It is based on the relationship's quality and respect rather than power or positional status.

Everyone needs this ability when dealing with others at home or in the external world.

God has given us this ability the moment we are born. By crying, the child signals the need for food or care; the mother responds. That is one form of influence, and when we grow, we use different techniques to sell ourselves to others in every moment. However, in some cases, we achieve what we want; in others, we do not.

When our circle of connection enlarges, complexity increases, and we need to learn the art of influence, particularly in the workplace as a professional.
Why influencing skills is essential for professionals?
  • Commanding will no longer be effective in today's advancement in the information access environment. In the commanding era, people are looking for knowledge, but today Information or knowledge is available in plenty and quickly. What others want is wisdom or insights, or experience. By which only others are inspired with us. When the inspiration happens, it leads to ease of influence.
  • When growing up in a career, you need to get things done from people beyond your functional boundary, and they need not oblige to meet your expectation unless you inspire them. When you are not inspiring, you can not influence.
  • You might have seen many brilliant, hardworking, and sincere people stuck in their careers at some point in time. One of the reasons could be the lack of influencing skills despite their functional expertise.  
To become successful professionals, we must get things done and deliver results. From that perspective, learning the art of influencing is essential.

In this influencing Series, let us learn the following in the coming weeks

*Framework of influencing
*Human principles and using them to influence
*Proven laws of persuasion  and techniques
*Effective communication on improving influence

Have a great week ahead.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Developing Data Skill

Unlike crisis moments, all chronic problem-solving requires an essential ingredient: DATA.

In an organizational setup, the data is created in every transaction or moment, and the data is considered a hidden treasure or gold mine. The way the managers/ leaders access the correct data, refine it for decision-making makes a difference in their problem-solving capability. That is data skill.

Data skill is the ability to get the correct data and interpret and use the insight to make decisions.

Generally, most of us tend to either give immediate solutions based on the data or give our opinion about the data, which leads to a different direction. If you are at the influencing level, your opinion counts much, and the truth from the data will drift.

For example,
You have data that say that the "machine breakdown on an avg 3 hrs per day".
Here, the opinion could be "our machine is old, thereby we get this trouble," or "Maintenance service provider is not providing good service,"
 But, the truth could be that machine lubrications are not ensured at the right time or periodically.

Your opinion strongly drifts the data far away from the truth, and the data may not be helpful.
The data skill is how you collect RIGHT inputs, identify some of the noises, remove them, and finally get into the TRUTH. That is a skill every manager needs to learn for better problem solving and decision making.

In one of my client organizations, the delivery was not consistent, and when the team collected the data, they found some supply chain partners were not supplying on time. This is DATA as registered in the system.

The team shared the OPINION that the cash flow was the primary reason, as the firm could not pay to supply partners on time; in turn, they could not deliver the material on time.
Later, the team found the truth that there were planning and communication issues like forecasting, coordinating with supply partners and the cash flow was a relatively minor cause for the problem.

That is learning data skills for using the data, removing the noises, and reaching out to the truth. 
The point is how we collect the right inputs, filter out some of the noises, weigh down opinions, and get into the truth.It is essential in data analytics as a skill.
We need to introspect our bias towards data, opinion and truth in solving chronic problems or even in data to day interactions.

Let us discuss some more insights on data analytics and skill development next week.
Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Steps in the structured problem-solving process

 Steps in the structured problem-solving process 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)
Having discussed the definition and type of problem (Adhoc or chronic) one needs to solve at the workplace, we need to learn the structured way of solving the chronic problems.
What is a structured way of solving chronic problems?
Unlike emergency or firefighting situations, all chronic problems can be solved step by step logical process. We are sure to move towards permanent or practical solutions to the problem in each step of the logical process.

What does it call for?

The structured approach calls for data analytical skills, the ability to look at the big picture and micro-detail, the ability to get the insight and narrow down to the causes, decision-making skills, and more than above the ability to get the collaboration from all the stakeholders to implement the solutions.

Since structured problem-solving competency is a combination of multi-skills, only a few people take effort to learn and become masters in applying the holistic approach.

Steps in a structured problem-solving approach?

Since there are many problem-solving processes available in the market like Six sigma, QC approach, A3,8D, all the approaches lead to solving the chronic problem in a structured way. The tools and formats may be different, and it is up to the individual to learn and master any approach.
Ultimately all the approaches consist of the following step.
  • Prioritizing the problem
  • Defining the objective
  • Collecting the data/ facts
  • Understanding the insights from data /removal of noises
  • Converging to causes
  • Articulating the actions -short / medium / long term perspective
  • Taking action and checking the effectiveness
Developing a comprehensive understanding of the problem-solving process as a capability will enhance your managerial skill to get things done and career growth.

Let us discuss some of the insights in each step next week.

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Developing delegation skill

Developing delegation skill
One of the leadership traits is effective delegation, and it is one of the undervalued skills in the organization. Most of the managers and leaders aware that they are doing most of the work on themselves, and it affects their quality of work, time, and eventually growth; however, some factors are pulling us down from delegation.

Factors that  prevent us from delegating  
  • Believing that self is perfect and only self can do the task
  • Lack of patience to teach the work to others
  • Fear of losing the importance in the workplace if someone also does the task
  • Enjoying more of doing the routine, familiar job and not making an attempt to learn a new skill or doing something non-familiar task for growth
  •  Really not knowing the prioritization regarding the position as discussed last week.

Whatever may be the reason which prevents us from the delegation, with a lit bit of awareness on our mindset and knowing the methodology of delegation, anyone can improve his / her delegation skill. It is an art and science.

Personally, I worked with one of the senior person in the organization hierarchy, who is competent at managing time; he used to come on time and leave the office on time in a culture where most of the people start late and stay late in the evening. One of the skills he possesses is excellent delegation skills, and that could be the reason he uses to be cool, enjoys his personal and professional life than his colleagues. His methodology of delegation is worth to mention.

 Let us discuss the methodology of delegation next week!!

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Book review: The Art of Effective communication

Recently I came across this book, and I thought this book is relevant for the discussion on effective communication in the workplace.

Even the author is not familiarly known, the contents are depth, and the relevant topics are covered for making the communication effective.

If you are interested in getting more perspective on improving your communication and influencing skill, recommend it to read, and the kindle version link is given below

Friday, 26 July 2019

Improving communication at workplace

Most of the interpersonal problems in both personal and professional life are due to the lack of effective communication only. If you analyze any people-related issues in the workplace, one of the causes could be poor communication, either lack of expression or information or wrong interpretation by someone.
When you look at effective people, they possess excellent communication skill, and they are striving to improve the communication skill continuously. Communication skill development is a life long exercise, and no one claim that he/ she is the best communicator.
Irrespective of your level of communication effectiveness, with awareness and effort, communication skill can be improved over some time.
As most people think that communication skill is all about language proficiency.In my opinion, effective communication is the outcome of Effective emotional management + Clarity in thoughts + Mastering language
It is all about managing the emotions well and thinking and articulating well.
In coming weeks, let us discuss some of the insights in improving communication at the workplace on the following aspects
1.Owning responsibility for your communication
2.Managing your emotions and body language
3.Preparing others to your style of communication
4.Managing conflict and maintain the relationship
5.Moving from commanding to influence in the workplace
6. Setting the environment for better communication

Welcome your views, concerns, queries regarding communication in the workplace!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

How to accelerate your career growth?

Generally, in our country, we are associating our identity based on our profession. You might have come across retired people also cherish and claim their status based on past professional accolades or achievements only. Even we introduce ourselves to others by quoting what we do. That is inherently we perceive job is essential for self-identity (saints or philosophers are exceptions!) 

Also, except a few who born into a wealthy family, for most of the people, survival, wealth creation, positional status, respect in the family and society comes from the profession only. The profession could be either working self (business)or working for some as an employee. In any way, we get our happiness, wealth, status, lifestyle, practical knowledge, wisdom from work only. Unlike the western style of theory, we can not separate work and life separately. Both are interrelated.

If you take the average life expectancy of a person is 68 years, then likely 50 % of the life time, we are spending our experience with a career and its related activities. When we give 50 % of our lifetime to our profession and all materialistic and personal development occured through the profession, 
how can we accelerate the professional growth in a right, ethical manner so that growth will help you and others?

Many types of research are going on professional or career growth. However, would like to discuss some perspectives on the science of growth in a professional environment 

Generally, the pace of professional growth differs according to one’s educational qualification, exposure to a different learning environment, industry served. However, given the potential, there are TWO FACTORS  as demonstrated by you determines your consistent growth. 

1.Focusing & Producing Results
2.Building Relationship with others  

You must notice that both factors are equally required for long-term, consistent growth. It is not either or condition but both.

You may relate to your known/senior colleagues who have grown consistently or the person who has not grown in line with their potential.
In case of a slow growth-oriented person, you may realize that either one of the factors was lacking w.r.t reference to their position. Either they might be competent in their functional domain but lacks on soft skills or they are good in dealing with others, but lack of competency or in delivering a result.
In case of consistent growth-oriented persons, you may realize that they had balanced both factors during their career path.

Balancing of what you deliver and how you deliver are equally important when others consider you for next level growth.

For example, if you are a manager, it is expected to produce results as expected at your level and also to behave in a  certain maturity at this positional level. When you lack to produce either result or lack to display some level of relationship maturity, your growth to the next level, say senior manager in a typical case, delays or stops at the manager level only.
The point is you need to balance both and demonstrate what is expected at your existing position decides your next level growth.

Now, the 
action is to look at your career graph, given your qualification, age, years of experience, are you growing consistently? If you answer is "yes", you are balancing both w.r.t to your position and strengthen it further. If your answer is “No,” try to understand where you need to improve either in RESULT or in RELATIONSHIP instead of pointing others.

Let us understand further on the definition of RESULT and RELATIONSHIP and their drivers.

As discussed, one of the factors for accelerating career growth is consistency in result w.r.t to the position. Let us understand the “ expectation on result and enablers of result orientation.”

    One of my known friends was exceptionally done well at a managerial position, and his boss impressed with his performance and elevated to General Manager level. The boss expectation was to develop the business to the next level using the person’s capability. Here the expectation is to deliver business results. After some time, the boss became unhappy with his performance since my friend still behaved and delivered the result as a functional manager. When I observed and interacted with him, I realized, he was not equipping himself for the new set of deliverables.

      Here the issue is conflicting between the expectation vs. reality and no development efforts to improve the performance w.r.t new role. The approach must be the friend must enhance his knowledge, skills, and attitude towards business development and deliver result than being complacent with legacy or functional delivery alone.

      The fact is the RESULT is a  function of your knowledge about your industry, business, customer,  domain expertise, skills and more importantly your attitude in line with your position. When you are growing in your career ladder, you need to equip yourself on knowledge which is required for the job and your perspective. Also, your skills like problem-solving capabilities, communication, decision making also need to be in line with the expectation of the position. To sum up, your 
COMPETENCY has to be enhanced to deliver RESULTS w.r.t your position. When you are not developing your competency, your growth stops.

Hence, enhance your competency to deliver the result as this is the only shortcut for accelerating growth. 

Let us discuss “ Relationship “ factor and the enablers.

As discussed, the other factor for accelerating career growth is “ Building relationship with others”.

When we say a building relationship with others in a professional environment, it is all about how you are relating with others. Equally, how others feel when they approach you,interact and work with you in a professional setup.

Enablers of building a relationship from your end :

Respect others as such and their time  &  privacy
Giving your undivided time  to others when they need (approachability)
Helping others with your presence  or with your competency

How can you develop your relationship quality with others?
1.    Knowing more about yourself
2.    Developing your emotional intelligence
3.    Improving your communication skill as a lifelong exercise
Building a relationship is not a one-time effort. This calls for consistency.

When you are growing in your career ladder, your soft skill in handling people matters a lot along with Performance.

The action is to identify your weak spot in developing a relationship and work on that to accelerate our career growth!  

Accelerate your career by balancing result and relationship!  

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Keep Investing in yourself

A bird asked a BEE, “After continuous hard work, you develop the honey, but a man steals the honey… Do you not feel sorry about that? Then the Bee replied,“Never... because a man can only steal my honey, NOT the art of making honey...”

In professional life, sometime you may face a situation someone takes credit for your work, and your recognition may get delayed.It is just got delayed, not denial.Those are temporary setbacks and your skill, innate talent is unique. No one can take away from it. You will get recognized for what you deserve and what you possess.

Those skill, talent, knowledge are acquired only by investing your time/energy in sharpening yourself through observation, reading, venturing into new things, exploring new opportunities and so on. Invest yourself and upgrade yourself. That will be with you always.
 Keep investing in your skill and talent development.That will be the permanent asset and high return on investment! 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

The best boss I ever had

One of the phrases we might have said or heard from others is “the best boss, I ever had “. In our career, so many bosses might have crossed our life and contributed to our growth, but we may count only a few of them as best bosses. How we do  we distinguish the best and good boss?

Even though there are multiple factors attribute to admire as  good boss, one distinguishing factor for  best boss is the one who had identified hidden unique talent within you  and created  opportunity to exhibit.I.e. The one who had brought out the potential of you, which you  never thought about. That could be turning point in  your professional growth.

Just list out all the bosses you had and identify the best boss. He would be fitting into the above definition.

Having realized this  insight, the next question you need to ask yourself is , for how many people you are the best boss? Have you identified the uniqueness of your team member and shown new possibilities to them?

Being a good boss is natural and given, but being the best boss for someone is your choice, it needs extraordinary compassion, effort from your end.Let us strive for best boss for someone.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Invisible traits of successful people

     A lot of books have been written about highly successful people  and  a lot of researches have  been done to understand the DNA  of being successful in any field like  business, sports, media or in politics .Most of those analysis  use to point out more about  the external  traits like hard work,persistence, people skill, communication skill and decision making ability etc.

    Those are all known to the external world and anyone can take that as benchmark to follow and replicate. In this process, a few may succeed to some extent only. When we observe the highly successful people, we can realize the most important cause for the phenomenal growth or success, but not visible to external world is their quality of thinking, continuously striving to learn more about the field and challenging their thought process for the next level. 

      We could see some people with extraordinary talent stagnate at some point due to stopping their curiosity intend in their field of work. The point is irrespective of your profession, age, talent, continuous striving or curious to learn more  about your business or profession matters a lot on your sustained growth.

    When asked about his phenomenal success, Steve jobs said, “much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.” It is purely the outcome of continuous thinking, challenging and striving for excellence

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Building Trust

  “The ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust is the key professional and personal competency of our time – Stephen Covey

Building trust is important for personal,professional and business growth.

What is meant by Trust?

 It is others in your relationship,should believe that you are genuine,your product or service is genuine,or you are capable of doing something worthy,your product or service is worthy.

How Trust can be built? 

Trust  can be built based on “Consistent action and delivery” over a period of time. It is not one time effort or performance. Generally, based on our past consistent behavior or actions, others come to form perception, that is trust.

For example, in a professional environment, if you are consistent in keeping up your commitment  every time, others start trusting you as “committed”.Alternatively, if you commit something and everytime you show up with excuse, others form perception that you are "not dependable". This way only, you build the perception   about you to others.

Similarly, in business, your customers build the trust about your product or service based on the consistent performance of your product or quality of service, how your organization responds to customers.

Hence, building trust is not one time effort, it is CONSISTENT EFFORT and if you would like to preserve the relationship with team, customers, family members or advance your professional growth, do any good thing consistently over a period of time and build trust as this helps your growth !!!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

If you resist anything, it will persist

“The only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones.”Jerome Hines

       Most of us use to make commitments to give up  bad habits or unwanted habits. We initiate  effort to  to give up, but  end up with failure as habit will never give up us!!! .

       The study shows that during the process of giving up any bad or unwanted habits, our mind focuses more on resisting the habit and in this process we are losing our mental strength. Instead, focus on developing new habit  or divert your  time on something new habits while setting the mind to give up the unwanted habit. In this process mind focus on a new habit forming and this increase mental strength  than  focusing on to resist.

         For example, if you want to give up the habit of spending too much time on browsing net.If you focus to give up, your resistance will weak your mental strength and likely you may not succeed. Alternatively, while to decide to give up the habit, take new habit like  spending time with closed one or writing or reading, etc. and focus on continuing new habit. Eventually, your focus on new thing will help you to  succeed in new things as well as  diverting you from unwanted habit.

It is because what you resist will persist and what you positively focus will flourish!