Showing posts with label perception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perception. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 January 2023

Building Trust

  Building Trust 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we discuss the art of getting things done in the workplace, managers/ leaders must organize themselves effectively. We have discussed some elements of "organizing self," like Time management, Managing expectations, and Being focused.

The next important element in self-organizing is BUILDING TRUST.
What is meant by Trust?
Trust is a conviction or strong belief we have in others on some qualities which are built slowly, through repeated interactions or behaviors.
To understand this definition easily, let us relate our association with some brands or companies.

We have a strong belief about some brands or companies that their product or service is either reliable or value for money or the best user experience, and so on. This strong belief comes from the repeated experience we have gained from using their product or service.

For example, we firmly believe that the TATA brand means it is reliable; APPLE brand means Innovation; AMAZON means convenience in online purchasing; INFOSYS means Governance, and so on. That is Trust.

From a business perspective, we term it as branding; however, business is all about connecting with people's emotions, which is TRUST.

Similarly, in the professional setup, we develop strong beliefs or convictions with some people for some qualities. That emotional connection is TRUST.
For example, we trust some people for their punctuality since they demonstrate it regularly over some time.
We never consider a person being punctual if they demonstrate punctuality only on a few occasions or once in a while.
We trust some people as problem solvers as they demonstrate their thought leadership in some subjects regularly over some time.
We never consider a person as a solution provider if they demonstrate once in a while or few situations.
We trust some people as dependable since they demonstrate their commitment on time without follow-up.
From the above examples, Building Trust Consists of 2 elements
  • Repeatability
  • Long-time duration
 Trust needs to be earned by an individual; it is not given by position or title.
You may relate yourself to what qualities your peers / junior colleagues trust you most.
Let us discuss the relevance of building Trust with execution capabilities and the ways of building Trust in a professional environment in the next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

How are you perceived in the workplace?

In spite of your professional competency, how others are perceiving you in a workplace is an essential factor for your career growth. When you know the perception by others, it will be an eyeopener for you for both on strength and area for improvements.

Sometimes, you may not realize your strength since it is readily coming to you. Similarly, some of the weakness or area for improvements may not be known to you. Others are experiencing both, and they are forming a perception about you. When you know how others are perceiving you, that will give clarity to shape up your personality, which will propel your career growth.

How to know other's perception about you?
  • Identify 3~5 people in your organization who are interacting with you more frequently. They could be your boss, your colleagues or your reportees. Some of you may be your wellwishers and observing you from distant
  • Approach them with prior permission and tell your intention of knowing their opinions or perspective about you based on the association on the professional front.
  • When they give their perspectives, avoid the tendency to defend or justify you
  • Thank them for their feedback and consolidate the findings. If same or similar observations are pointed out by many, that could be your strength which you can leverage further or that could be your area for improvement which you can work on that.
The above method is powerful for personal development process you can try it out once in a year.!!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

How do you label yourself?

To achieve success in personal and professional life, what you think and feel about you is more important than what others perceive you. Sometimes, we label ourselves in a certain way that makes much difference in achieving success.

For example, if you think yourself as a leader for your team, your behavior and actions would be in line with leadership mindset. If you feel and label yourself as an introvert, most of the time, you would get more energy in solitude state only. The point is what you believe yourself repeatedly, and label yourself would manifest externally.

We use to hear the some of the following phrases from executives and CEO’s  as they label themselves. Eventually, the label would form their personality.

I am not a  team player, but individually good contributor
I am not good at finance management
I am technical person and not good at business management 
I am not competent person to handle cross-functional teams
I am poor in time management

However, we have seen from our experience; some people have changed their self-restricted labeling to positive labeling with little awareness and practice

The point is just to be aware of some of the labels you are giving yourself and check whether it is useful or not.If not, work on it and reshape your personality!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Why is your brand essential for growth?

Whether we like it or not, each person is like a  product which needs to be sold in the job market.Since most of your time is being spent in profession either working for an organization or owning a business, your brand in your work environment is important criteria for your progress in the career ladder.

What is a personal brand?

It is the perception of others about you when they think or what comes to their mind, which is your identity or brand. 

Now the question yourself, what is your brand in your organization? What identity or brand you had created in your organization?

You could have created a perception either as problem solver, people manager, taskmaster, good analytical person, hard worker, forward thinker or problem creator, complainer, blamer, lack of interest to learn, not dependable person and so on 

Based on the brand you establish,you are creating your opportunities and growth.

Good news is that little effort, you can build or change your brand as you want.

Be just aware of your personal brand and change or leverage it for your personal and professional growth in 2018!