Showing posts with label process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label process. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Are we fixing processes or people?

  Are we fixing processes or people?

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

We discussed some of the mindsets of highly influential people in the workplace to get things done. We mentioned win-winhow they look at work, and clarity of what they need.

Regarding practices, influential people work on themselves to build their credibility through relationships and expertise. The second practice is giving others their time, energy, and knowledge. The third practice is displaying respect by listening. The fourth practice is empowering others. The fifth practice is effective communication.

The next practice the people do is "Fixing processes than people." 

What is meant by Fixing processes than people?

It is all about continuously refining the process to avoid mistakes. Whenever a problem happens, look for the gap in the process than in the people.

It is more about process orientation.
People with process orientation have high likeability factor than the person who is finding fault with people and trying to fix some people responsible for the problem.

Influencing power or the ability to get things done is enhanced when a high likeability factor exists.

Generally, there are two types of people in the organization. One set of people (Type A), if any problem happens, the momentary reaction would be, "Who mistakes it is?". Their immediate intention would be first to fix the person, then find a solution for the problem.

For the other set of people ( Type B) (fewer in numbers!😊 ), if any problem happens, the momentary reaction would be, "Why this happened, and what needs to be done?". Their immediate intention would be to recognize the problem and look for a suitable process, eventually fixing the people.

As a human being, whom we would like more, Type A or Type B…?

Most of us like Type B people, and this likability factor enhances their influencing power.
When we look for the process solution to a problem without fixing people first, we develop compassion towards others, making us highly influential people in the workplace.

I work with one CEO who is soft-spoken and calm; whenever a problem happens, he never loses his temper, fixes the process, and educates the person with more compassion. People never complain about him and like to work with him. Works get done out of respect for him than his power.

Only a few people get this practice right, and they become influencing people.
It needs awareness of our reaction to problems and practice fixing the process.
Have a great week ahead.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Focus on Process than People

In the workplace or even in a family environment, when the things are not happening as expected, or any problem occurs, the most immediate tendency of us is “fixing who is responsible?”. For any issues, finding the cause is a good thing, but the moment we focus our the cause on “People” factor, it likely turns out as blaming, complaining, justification, arguments and eventually into personal vengeance only.

As I observed with effective leaders, they focus more on fixing the “process factor” than the people. Once the problem occurred, they immediately recognize it, and their thought process moves towards fixing process as they believe that is a proactive approach. They believe that when the process is robust, ignorance, attitude related to people can be solved quickly. Sometimes fixing process may prevent the issue permanently as well as take care of human errors.

For example, some of the mistakes in organizing an event can be minimized when you have a checklist rather than depending solely on people. That is a proactive approach with process focussed.

Shifting the focus on fixing “process” than  “people” is possible with a little bit of awareness on our intention and behavior. For any problem solution lies in process, in turn, the process will take care of people factor also.

Just it needs awareness when we face the problem.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Leading through Result ( Focus on the process)

As discussed, one of the development steps in leadership development is delivering consistent results. The dilemma most of us have is whether to chase the result or the process. To get clarity, we need to understand the law of nature.

"For any effect/result, there must be a cause/process ;
When there is a change in process, accordingly there will be a change in result".

For example, if you want to make the best presentation to your client( Result), many factors contribute to the result. Your presentation content, your body language, your voice quality, the environment in which you present, your client’s interest and so on. When all the process is good, the result also will be good. You may not have control over the result, but you can influence or ensure the process in all factors as much as possible.

When you focus on the process and drive the process, the result may be in your favor
Highly effective leaders, always focus on minute things and ensure the factors are always in their favor and eventually they achieve the result they want.

You might have seen some people exist successfully many years in their chosen field like media, sports, business amidst all the competition and turbulence times. You can see a typical pattern in their thought process, that is, continuously develop themselves as a process. When they are changing themselves as a process, the result is also sustainable.

    To sum up, if you want a great result, your process also needs to be different and robust. You can not influence the result, but you can influence the process. More your process is consistent the result also will be consistent and higher level.

Leadership is all about delivering result through the process, not through ad-hoc, shortcut, one-time success !.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Process disruption

    In personal and business front, sometimes, we get upset with the pace of growth.We expect different results while we do the same kind of activities or adhere to the same business processes.For continuous growth progress, what is required is continuous process disruption.

   When we say process disruption, it is not going away from the fundamental process adherence which would be disaster even for survival or existing growth .Process disruption is challenging the existing mindset or process which is producing the current result and continuously inculcate new thinking, new process for high level growth. .If we do the same thing, we get same result .If we change the process, at least we can expect different results.

     You might have seen some organizations exist more than decades with same line of products from inception to now, but had grown multifold, not because of diversified product line, but due to process disruption or continuous innovation in how they manage the business processes.

    In Business, challenging the existing process and continuously upgrade the business process, you can expect different result or high growth.

   In personal front, by continuously challenging your thinking process, you can solicit new opportunities and growth. 

    The point is that if you want great result, your process is also need to be different. You cannot expect major changes in your result with the same level of process. Continuous process disruption is only way for sustainable growth!