Saturday, 4 November 2023

Being Proactive

  Being Proactive  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we discuss the importance of developing project management skills to get things done in addition to functional expertise as we move up the career ladder, 80 % of the tasks are non-repetitive or project nature, and we may need to deal with many stakeholders who may not be directly reporting to us.

We discussed the relevance of defining outcomes, reducing the complexity into simplicity, holistic planning, big-picture orientation, and insights on stakeholder management to get things done.
The next principle we can learn from project management is 

Proactiveness is a behavior that involves acting in advance for future situations rather than reacting.
In project management, more emphasis is given to proactiveness. Since there is more uncertainty in   projects by nature, anything may happen, and things will not happen as planned. Project management insists on identifying possible failures or risks and possible solutions and options to overcome the failures. Project management is all about managing risk and people.

How can a functional manager use this insight?

Develop the habit of foreseeing the failure modes in any initiatives and to have plan B and move on. 

When we do not foresee the possible risk and mitigation plan, we either tend to worry or blame the circumstances when something goes wrong.

This thought process of anticipating failure and having a backup plan is always a proactive approach that each functional head can practice.
For example,

As Human resource head, you decide on a succession plan for a person with X; what will happen if X leaves the organization? Plan B helps.
As Planning Head, you are planning to produce X items; what will happen to plant utilization if the plan is disturbed due to a change in customer schedule? Plan B helps
As plant head, your plant capacity is X; what will happen if demand zooms to 2X? Plan B helps
You are presenting a business plan to your customer; what will happen if your system does not work? Can you manage? Plan B helps.

We need to foresee possible risks or failures in any functional event and think that plan B will help us psychologically when things go wrong. That is proactiveness.

Proactiveness is a habit, and it will come from awareness and practice.
Have a great week ahead!

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