Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Friday, 12 August 2022

Overcoming fear of failure with REASONING



On the subject of fear of failure in selling our ideas or solutions to others in a professional setup, we discussed the reason for fear and its impact. We listed the following approach to overcome the fear.

1. Redefine the failure
2. Imposing Logical / reasoning over emotions
3. Learning attitude
As we have discussed "Redefining the failure" last week, let us discuss the "Imposing Logical / reasoning over emotions" now.
As we are aware that fear is just a feeling or emotion and it does not have any logic or meaning in it, however, it has the power to control our actions.

One of the approaches experts suggests countering the feeling with reasoning. 

What is meant by reasoning?

It is the action of thinking about something logically, sensible way. The reasoning has more facts and logic.

For example, when you take some initiative in the organization, you may worry about the consequence of failure as it may affect you in terms of creditability, or you may lose time or money. During those moments, when you counter the feeling with logical thinking or questions, that is called reasoning.
The following logical thinking or questions will help to manage the emotions of fear.
How many times in the past have we failed in our new initiatives?
Even if it failed, what were the changes in the assumptions and in the environment made to fail?
What would worst happen if we fail again?
What are the options available to correct even if we fail?
What benefit would happen if we move ahead and succeed in the initiative?

So, countering emotions with logical thinking will help to overcome the fear to some extent...

The other approach is getting into action, fail and perceive the failure as a learning experience.

The point is that as professionals, we may encounter many situations to deal with emotion, and how we manage and move ahead differentiates us from others.

Have a great week ahead.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Redefining failure to overcome the fear of failure


On the subject of "fear of failure in selling our ideas or solutions to others" in a professional setup, last week, we discussed the reason for fear and its impact. We listed the following approach to overcome it.
  1. Redefine the failure
  2. Imposing Logical / reasoning over emotions
  3. Learning attitude
 Let us further understand each approach
Redefine the failure:
Smart people are using this approach to redefine their success or failure in any event when they have a fear of failure and progressing further.
For example,

let us consider the following situation.
Your organization has shortlisted you and other colleagues to elevate to the higher roles and assigned a challenging task that you have not done so far. To get finalized, you need to go through the assessment and interview. You have fear inside whether you will succeed in the new role. You have a dilemma to go for an interview or not.
In this situation, how you define your success or failure will help you to overcome the fear and progress to the next step.
Completing the new assignment will be a function of many factors like team dynamics and changes in external and internal business environments. Those factors may not be in your control. At this moment, you have control only over how you do in the assessment and interview process.

In this kind of situation, smart people redefine their success in such a way that "doing well in the interview is success" at the moment. Again in the next step, they redefine their success or failure in new assignments as how they perform well using the experience and giving their best. That mindset and focus on their performance will help them navigate the interview process well and to the next step.
This way of redefining will help to manage the fear factors.
You can relate this approach to M.S Dhoni's style of leadership. When captaincy came to him to lead the Indian cricket team, someone asked him whether he feared failure in the new role. He responded that "success or failure in a cricket match depends on how other players do their job; let me focus on what i can do best during the game." 
We do instill that mindset of defining success or failure in any event.
To sum up,
  • Effective people break up the event in multiple steps.
  • They focus on their performance/influence in each step and ignore the external force. 
  • That mindset of redefining the success or failure helps them manage the fear of failure.
Let us discuss other approaches next week.
Have a great week ahead.

Managing "Fear of Failure" in selling ideas

 Managing "Fear of Failure" in selling ideas 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

As we discussed the emotional aspects preventing us from selling our idea or solutions to others, we have discussed the fear of rejection last few weeks. The next fear most of us go through is fear of failure. Let us understand the insights on fear of failure and the approach to managing the fear of failure.

Whenever we have some idea or suggestion to offer, internally, we fear failure. We worry about the negative outcome and the consequence of failure. That is fear of failure.

Why this fear of failure comes to our mind?

1) The experts say the origin of fear may be our experience or our environment. We might have experienced some failure or bitter experience in the past in similar circumstances.

For example, in one of my client organizations, the management is reluctant toward low-cost automation. When we go deeper into the reason for that behavior, we realize that they had invested money in many automation projects in the past and have not succeeded as expected. That bad experience prevents them from thinking about any future investments in automation.
2) Also, when something goes wrong, most of us associate the experience with a personal failure and blame ourselves. The more we have past bad experiences and blame ourselves, the more we get the feeling of fear of failure.
We might have observed that the younger generations take more risks in any adventure in business or career since they do not have any past references. In contrast, the experienced people would think twice in any venture as they might have experienced both positive and bad outcomes in the past.

Hence, the reasons for fear of failure are our past bitter experiences and the tendency to personally associate ourselves with the outcome.

Impact of fear of failure?

Since the future is unknown, fear of failure is common and natural. When we realize the fear and take action, there is an equal probability of winning and failure in any event. If we do not overcome, we end up with the status quo, and progress will be muted.

How do you overcome the fear of failure in selling the ideas to others?

Fear is just emotion, and this can be managed with the following approach
  1. Redefining the failure
  2. Imposing Logical / reasoning over emotions
  3. Learning attitude

Let us discuss the approach and insights next week!
Have a great week ahead.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Dealing with Fear-Taking Action

 Dealing with Fear-Taking Action 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

Having discussed the two steps in dealing with the fear, let us understand the 3rd step, which is more powerful in overcoming fear. That is confronting the fear through ACTION.

As discussed, being aware of your fear WITHIN and Knowing more about fear through enhancing perspectives all lead to half of the battle won. Real confidence comes when we take action against fear. We can not build confidence through external stimuli all the time. Absolute certainty will be made deeply at the subconscious level only by doing and experiencing through actions.
For example,

You may have fear about your public speaking capability. You may be aware of your inner fear and learn many public speaking techniques through various external sources like books and from others. Still, you may struggle with inner fear. You can overcome fear only when you take action by speaking in a small group.

When you speak in a small group and experience success, your subconscious mind registers the successful event. Next time, when you speak in larger groups, your mind pushes you with positive reinforcement of earlier success, and you may do well. Again, the mind registers this event as a positive reinforcement. This way only, you can overcome the fear of public speaking of any size.

The point is you are overcoming the fear only by taking action instead of stopping at the first two steps. Most of us are comfortable in the first two steps.

Similarly, in a professional environment, you may fear of new initiatives or new policies or processes in the organization. Fear is natural. The only way to manage fear is by taking action as follows.
  1. Recognize it
  2. Enhancing the perspectives through external sources
  3. Confronting it by taking ACTION in small and extend it
The choice we have is either fearful or FACE it through ACTION.
If you are fearful, the fear engulfs you. When you confront it through action, you have control over fear. It is a process that requires awareness and action!

Let us discuss other disturbing emotions next week!

Have a great week, till then!

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Dealing with fear -Recognize it !

 Dealing with fear -Recognize it !

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)


Last week, we discussed FEAR and its dimension. Fear is unique to each individual, and through awareness and structured process, we can overcome some of the imaginary and fact-based fears.

In my personal experience, there is 3 step approach to deal with any fear.

  • Recognize
  • Subsidize with rational thinking
  • Confront through Action


First, we need to be aware of the reality that we are afraid of something. This step calls for self-introspection and honest ourselves to admit the fear.

We tend to display some of the behaviors or patterns when we have Feared of something

  1. Try to be a high perfectionist to avoid criticism or rejection
  2. Try to procrastinate the activities by citing some reasons
  3. Want to say NO but not able to do so
  4. Hiding behind excessive work or social media or other distracting activities
  5. Micromanaging the task of self and others

 Fear is an emotion; the individual only can identify the inherent pattern related to fear and acknowledge it. Once you recognize the pattern, you are in a position to address it.

For example, one of my clients struggled with micromanaging and was comfortable doing the task himself. During the probing process, he realized and admitted his fear of delegating the job to someone as they spoil his reputation. That moment is the turning point for transformation. The moment he recognized the fear, he was ready for the next step in dealing with the fear.

The key is to recognize the feeling of fear. 

The action point is to list down all the fear you have in all aspects of life and classify the fears like fear of rejection, failure, visibility, success, etc. Also, categorize them, whether imaginary or fact-based.That is the first step in dealing with fear, either imaginary or fact-based!

Let us discuss the other two steps next week.!

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Dealing with FEAR

 Dealing with FEAR

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

One more emotion, if not handled well, that affects personal effectiveness in the workplace, is FEAR. The fear could be loss of job, employees, customers, or loss of finance or fear of rejection or failure in any effort or initiative. The list is countless, and it depends on the individual.

Dealing with fear is not an easy task for all, as the FEAR itself has many dimensions and complex.

Imaginary vs. Fact:

Imaginary fear is something we have in our thoughts and not necessarily present in reality. Some of the fears are an exaggregated version of our thought process.

For example,

what will happen if i fail in my effort or new venture?
What will my colleagues think about me if i ask this question in an open forum?.

The other type of fear is based on the fact; it is reasonable because it is based on the data or fact.

For example,

How can i pay my EMI as my bank account is zero?
How i can face the customer as i did not deliver as committed? 

Whether we have fear due to over exaggregated thoughts or facts, it certainly affects the well being and quality of work in the workplace.

Research studies show that only two fears like fear of falling and fear of loud noise are inborn with us. The other fears are developed by ourselves since childhood experience and the environment. Hence the intensity of fear will vary to everyone.

Another dimension of fear is that one person may have courage in one aspect of life, and the same person may have fear in other aspects.

For example, one person is very bold enough to start a business where most of the population looks at his/ her courage with surprise. Still, the same person may have a fear of scaling up or dealing with a difficult employee or customer.

So, the fear factor is unique to each one depending on the time, context, situation, or environment.

However, we can deal with some of the imaginary or fact-based fears with three steps approach as i experienced. 
2. Subsidize with rational thinking
3. Confront with Action 

We will discuss each step with examples next week!