Sunday, 17 September 2023

Complexity to Simplicity


 Complexity to Simplicity  
(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we discuss the importance of developing project management skills to get things done in addition to functional expertise as we move up, 80 % of the tasks are non-repetitive or project nature, and we may need to deal with many stakeholders who may not be directly reporting to us.

Last week, we discussed the relevance of defining outcomes in the beginning to get things done.

The next principle of project management is to “ Reduce the complexity into simplicity.”

Principle 2:
Reduce the complexity into simplicity by breaking down the major tasks into milestone tasks and managing milestone tasks effectively
It is human nature that we are overwhelmed with any assignments/projects by considering the amount of multiple activities and the complexity involved in each activity. In the process, either we get cluttered with many thinking about activities and are unable to move beyond or skip any activities and face the consequences later. This principle helps to overcome the challenges.

For example,

“ Implementing an ERP system in your organization is given to you as a project."

The moment you think of the successful implementation of an ERP system, many thoughts will come to your mind, like identifying vendors, people's acceptance, awareness creation, choosing the right technology, the scope of the implementation, lack of prior experience, and so on. In this process, we never move confidently to the next step or somehow get into implementation, but projects struggle to serve the purpose or fail.
The reason is our inability to break the complex project into many micro milestones and define each milestone with the outcome, stakeholder management in each milestone, risk estimation, and countermeasures.

The principle says any complex project can be broken down into manageable milestones. One has to ensure that each milestone will succeed and, eventually, the overall project will also be successful.

Mainly, it focuses on the current task and clarity on what we want….That is what a functional manager has to learn in any complex project.

For example, as HR head, if you are given a task to recruit a " Quality Head" for your organization, you can divide the tasks into milestones as below and focus on one milestone at a time and ensure the success of one milestone. That will make you focus clearly and execute well rather than thinking of entire tasks.

 Once you practice breaking any complex into simple tasks, that will make you focus clearly and have the ability to manage the challenges in any complex situation

Let us discuss some other principles next week.

Have a great week ahead.

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