“A little more persistence, a little more effort and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.”—Elbert Hubbard
Some years back a research had been conducted on a dog with repeated electric shocks in
closed environment. Typically, we would expect any sensible dog to seek to
avoid the pain of electric shock.What surprisingly observed was that, even
there were opportunities to escape from the pain, they simply put down and whined. This observation led
psychologist to develop the concept of “learned helplessness”.
At times, as human beings, we seem to give up any attempt to
change the situation. We accept the role
as victims and inability to do anything
about to change the situation.
When we are facing tough situations for long in professional
or in a family environment, we start feeling that we have little control over
it and start believing as such.Instead of taking even small effort to change the situation we use
all energy to cope with the situation. Over a period, we become victims of
You may have experienced helplessness feelings either in career progression, business growth or relationship quality.Over a period of
time, you cope with that.In this process, your helplessness feeling pulls your
confidence and quality of life..
Hence aware of the areas, where you feel “helplessness” and
take action to change it.
Good one