Friday, 16 December 2016

What does prevent us to express timely?

The value of “life aspects” is only when we nourish its value when it is with us. The “life aspects” could be like health, wealth, knowledge, profession, relationship etc. When something is lost, we realize the value of it or associate it with more memories.

In personal life, we use to take the people relationship as granted, especially with people in our close circles. We tend to value people after we lost them or they moved away from us. After losing, either regret about the inability to nurture the relationship or start valuing by way of praising the positive side of the personalities (as nostalgia rituals!!). Even in professional life, we use to appreciate or endorse the qualities of the person during a farewell session as a routine. The person could have enjoyed the association more with us, if he/she had been endorsed or acknowledged or appreciated for his personality when he/ she were with us.

As life is too short and uncertainty, what does prevent us from nurturing the relationship and expressing timely? We may list work pressure, lack of time, ego etc, but more than anything else, it just needs a deep awareness of the fact of life.

As someone quoted, “Sometimes the words we leave unspoken are the most important ones that should have been said” is much more valid for the relationship especially with our close circles.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Factors enabling the harmony at the workplace

As discussed last week, in personal and professional life, maintaining harmony with our daily interesting people is must have peace of mind, quality of work, in turn growth and happiness.

Irrespective of the difference of opinion or conflict with others, still harmony can be maintained.If we observe highly successful and matured people, we can notice some of the practices while interacting with others.

Easily approachable 
Connecting others with care
Consistency in behavior
Giving self first 
Respecting and not approaching with fixed perception
Be helpful, friendly and firm 

Maintaining harmony with others is a conscious choice for growth and happiness, which is possible with practice.

The given video link demonstrates the improvement in the relationship between boss and subordinate with the above factors…

Hope you enjoy it…

Friday, 2 December 2016

Why do we struggle to keep harmony with others?

   As discussed last week, in personal and professional life, maintaining harmony with our daily interacting people is must to have peace of mind, quality of work, in turn growth and happiness.

   However, in reality, we struggle to maintain harmony with others.Rather than looking the reason from the other’s point of view,let us look it from within us. One of the expectation or condition, we set ourselves to maintain harmony with others is not accepting others if they differ from our thought process or opinion. This is strongly conditioned in our mind.

    However, the nature reveals that no creation is same as others, each is unique.No two people can have same likings and thought process.We tend to mix people and issue together. Let us accept people, especially those are influencing our life on a daily basis .Accept them as such ,separate the intellectual part from the people part .Once if we accept the people as such , then we are open to see other good qualities of those people. It may be difficult for most of us to practice this, but this awareness is required to improve the quality of relationship.

    Let us the discuss the factors will enable improved harmony next week.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Why should maintain harmony with others?

   The most impactful people in our life are the ones with whom we are interacting more on a daily basis. They could be family members, boss, colleagues, peers, and subordinates as we spend most of the time with them only.

       The quality of relationship or harmony with them is important.When there is disharmony in any of the elements, it would affect your peace of mind that would affect your quality of work. Just imagine that your harmony with your boss is strained, will you able to do quality of work? Likewise, your harmony at domestic will affect your quality of work. Quality of work determines your growth and happiness.
     Hence, for your own sake, of happiness and growth, you need to maintain a high level of harmony with others who are interacting with you most of your lifetime.But in reality, there is some misconception about maintaining harmony and there are some factors affecting the harmony.Let us discuss next week!!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

The best boss I ever had

One of the phrases we might have said or heard from others is “the best boss, I ever had “. In our career, so many bosses might have crossed our life and contributed to our growth, but we may count only a few of them as best bosses. How we do  we distinguish the best and good boss?

Even though there are multiple factors attribute to admire as  good boss, one distinguishing factor for  best boss is the one who had identified hidden unique talent within you  and created  opportunity to exhibit.I.e. The one who had brought out the potential of you, which you  never thought about. That could be turning point in  your professional growth.

Just list out all the bosses you had and identify the best boss. He would be fitting into the above definition.

Having realized this  insight, the next question you need to ask yourself is , for how many people you are the best boss? Have you identified the uniqueness of your team member and shown new possibilities to them?

Being a good boss is natural and given, but being the best boss for someone is your choice, it needs extraordinary compassion, effort from your end.Let us strive for best boss for someone.

Friday, 11 November 2016

When does Professional Growth Stop?

    Irrespective of your educational background, the profession you are choosing, one factor determines your growth is competency.When we say competency, it is a combination of attitude, skill and knowledge about the profession or job.

     In your career ladder, each position calls for different competency, it needs to be identified, developed, and demonstrated.For example, in your career ladder, competency requirement during entry stage, and say at trainee level is different from when you enter the middle management level. Similarly, the competency requirement is different when you enter in the senior leadership level.

    Simply put it, as you know, communication skill is one of the competency throughout your career. However, the degree of competency is different at each position say entry level, managerial level and senior management level. It requires continuous effort to improve your communication skill competency to move upward.

     So if you desire to move up in your career ladder, continuous effort is required to improve your competency by identifying the gap job position.When you stop developing competency, your growth stops or stagnates. We are here to grow, hence focus on competency development!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Be aware of your mental state for positive results

             As human beings, we are undergoing a different set of emotions or mental state in every minute. . The mental state can be positive  state like being in happy, high energy level, highly enthusiasm, etc. or the  mental state could be  limiting state like being sad, angry, worry, laziness etc. Actually, those mental states drive the quality of behavior or action at any point of time.

            When we are in a positive state, our words, tone and actions will be positive whereas in limiting state, our actions leads into more chaos or unproductive. So be aware of in which state you are in at any point of time and change your state before taking any actions or communicating to others.

           One  way  to change state instantly is by changing physiology or body language. For example, imagine that you are in deep thinking or in a sad mood and you are receiving a phone call from your well-wisher or friend. You are quickly changing your state to a positive state of happiness. Actually, during that moment, you are changing your physiology or body language that enables you to switch the state. It is possible to change the state instantly with little focus on awareness and practice. 

          The point is when you are taking any important decision or even talking to someone, aware of your state and change into a positive state. The result or response also will be positive. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Building confidence with small success

In business or professional environment, the biggest challenge is selling our idea or believing that the idea will work.That is building a confidence within us and to others.

Building confidence in self-levels:

This cannot be built  only through external stimuli like reading books, listening motivational lectures, etc. as they build confidence momentarily and short lived. Real confidence will be built deeply at conscious level only by doing and experiencing small success.

              For example, if you want to improve your confidence on public speaking skills, you cannot immediately do it in a large crowd. Instead, you consciously experiment in a small group, take action, and taste the success. Your subconscious mind registers the successful event. Next time, when you are speaking in larger groups, your mind pushes you with positive reinforcement of earlier success and you may do well. Again, the mind registers this event as positive reinforcement. This way only, you can improve your confidence in public speaking.

Building confidence at team level:

             Similarly, if you want to  build confidence to your team  about any new initiative ,they need to see it and believe  it .Hence   experiment  the iniatives in a small way , be focused, take action, achieve and celebrate it .This  positive reinforcement   of success will give confidence to your team for taking higher level  initiatives .
              Building confidence is one of the leadership qualities  and it is time consuming,but more powerful once it is built . Hence, the action plan is to identify the area in which you have low confidence level, take small action, taste the success and this small success will help you to achieve more!

One degree +

Very good video on emphasizing the importance of stretching the effort. We use to think, only in sports, the difference between winner and loser is only to the extent of microseconds, but actually, in all aspects of life, like career advancement, winning deals in business, relationship, the extra step or effort or stretch makes a big difference.

Hope you enjoy this video even though you might have watched earlier.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Invisible traits of successful people

     A lot of books have been written about highly successful people  and  a lot of researches have  been done to understand the DNA  of being successful in any field like  business, sports, media or in politics .Most of those analysis  use to point out more about  the external  traits like hard work,persistence, people skill, communication skill and decision making ability etc.

    Those are all known to the external world and anyone can take that as benchmark to follow and replicate. In this process, a few may succeed to some extent only. When we observe the highly successful people, we can realize the most important cause for the phenomenal growth or success, but not visible to external world is their quality of thinking, continuously striving to learn more about the field and challenging their thought process for the next level. 

      We could see some people with extraordinary talent stagnate at some point due to stopping their curiosity intend in their field of work. The point is irrespective of your profession, age, talent, continuous striving or curious to learn more  about your business or profession matters a lot on your sustained growth.

    When asked about his phenomenal success, Steve jobs said, “much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.” It is purely the outcome of continuous thinking, challenging and striving for excellence