Connecting with care means your kindness or how you are showing concern to others when you are dealing with them. The others could be your colleagues, or the people work for you.
For example, when one of your colleagues is undergoing some personal problem, how you are showing your concern or intention to help him is caring or compassion. Most of us display care when others are in trouble. However, what requires in the workplace is during regular time, how we are connecting with our co-employees?
In reality, under normal circumstances, it is not spontaneous for most of us, to connect with others with genuine care. Most of the time, the demonstration of care looks like ritual or artificial. As I read sometime back in LinkedIn survey, 70 % of the people responded that they are not being valued or appreciated by the colleagues.
Why is it sometimes difficult to connect with care?
We may argue that busy or work pressure and so on. From my observation, the reason could be either due to a lack of detailing or not being in the present or more of self-focused.
In my opinion, a simple way to show your care and concern to the fellow human being in the workplace in a day to day interactions is as follows.
- Give respect to others by showing your kindness in your approach and words / Tone.
- Encourage others to express their opinions & feelings
- Listen without interrupting or tempting to give your advice
- Motivate them to go through the workplace experiences, as you had gone through
- Appreciate when they do good
- Teach them when they do poor
It just requires awareness, effort, interest on others and also it will strengthen your quality of relationship with others, in turn, it will enhance your leadership capability!