Saturday, 29 July 2023

Displaying Respect by listening

 Displaying Respect by listening

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

We discussed some of the mindsets of highly influential people in the workplace to get things done. We mentioned win-win, how they look at work, and clarity of what they need.
Regarding practices, effective people work on themselves to build their credibility through relationships and expertise. The second practice is giving others their time, energy, and knowledge.
The next practice the people do is consistently displaying Respect by listening.

Relevance of listening and Respect:

One of the basic longing needs of all human beings is: Being heard.

Listening is beyond hearing the words. It is all about  GIVING ATTENTION to others and being willing to listen to others. Attention can be demonstrated to someone when they speak through our body language, like posture, eye contact, and acknowledgment.

When someone spends time actively hearing, it conveys Respect to others; in turn, the other is obliged to give it back.
Conveying Respect is not about expressing salutations like Mr/ Mrs or Sir / Madam; it represents positional hierarchy and will not influence people.

Beyond positional power, displaying Respect through listening will impact influencing.

Listening is a sign of Respect. It shows that you value what the speaker has to say. If you take the time to listen to someone by focusing on the speaker, you are showing them that they are important to you.
How do highly influencing people demonstrate in the workplace?
Create more forums for dialogue and feedback. 

They create forums to meet people and share information. That could be structured review forums or mail communication encouraging others to voice their views.

One of my bosses shares some of his learnings /outcomes after he attends some programs and encourage others to voice their opinion. By the way, he conveys that he respects others by sharing and allowing them to talk.
Moving around beyond hierarchy:
One of the habits of highly influencing people is they move around in the office and are keen on approaching people easily.
In all the above demonstrations, the essential quality they display to others is 
"I respect you as a human being"… when that message is imbibed to others, others will reciprocate when they are influenced to get things done.

Let us discuss some other practices next week.
Have a great week ahead.

Giving before Getting

  Giving before Getting 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
We discussed some of the mindsets of highly influential people in the workplace to get things done. We mentioned win-win, how they look at work, and clarity of what they need.

Regarding practices, influential people work on themselves to build their credibility through relationships and expertise.
Another practice the people consistently do is giving to others before getting.
What does giving before getting mean?
It is all about giving our time and sharing our knowledge or experience with others without much expectation of returns instantly.
Why is this important?

The act of giving and its consequence is based on the law of reciprocation.

The law of reciprocating is explained as when someone does something to you; you feel obligated to reciprocate or do something in return for them.

We might have experience in our personal life as someone gifts us for our birthday, and we accept it. However, we feel obligated to return it to them and will do it on their birthday or some other occasion. That is the design of human emotions.
Influencing people use the same principle in the workplace by giving their time, energy, and knowledge to others without thinking of returning immediately. Still, by nature of law, others will return it later when they need it.
For example, a colleague comes to you for guidance on investment or debt prepayment, as you have experience in it. When you take your time and share your knowledge, practical experience on do's and don'ts, and the nitty-gritty of financial aspects, the other person leaves with respect for you. You will not get any immediate return except maybe your self-satisfaction.

At a later stage, when you need any help from the same colleague to get things done for your functional activities, relatively you will get things done quickly as the other person is obligated to give it back to you, and they use the opportunity to help you out in the situations.

How can you give to others?
  • You can give your time to others when they approach you.
  • Patiently listen to their concerns, even if you do not have any solutions
  • Sharing your knowledge and experience may open up new thought processes for them. People will never forget those who show new possibilities or approaches to their problems.
The point is world works based on the nature of law, and one of the laws is people are obliged to give back what they got. When we can give more to others, eventually, more people are obligated to give it back to us; by the way, you easily influence others to get things done when you want.

Just ask yourself how much time you are spending to give to others in a day.
Have a great week ahead!

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

How to build credibility?

  How to build credibility? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Continuing last week's discussion on developing credibility at the workplace to influence others to get things done, let us understand how some effective people build their credibility.
Building credibility at the workplace happens at two levels

  1. Relationship building
  2. Expertise in functional / domain

 Relationship building:

People with high credibility consistently demonstrate that they are trusted people to listen, are not harmful to anyone, and work in the interest of others. They always show they are reliable to associate with.

How do they demonstrate they are reliable?

One holistic way of demonstrating this is through ease of approach.

Ease of approach is more than just physically or digitally approaching them quickly. It is all about how you feel after approaching them.

Some people are inconsistent in their mood, and we may need to know precisely their mood and whether we will get positive receptiveness when approaching them. Those people lose the trust of others as they are inconsistent in their mood and emotionally unstable.

For example, one of your colleagues swings his mood from extremely pleasant to angry at any moment during the conversation. Will you consider him/ her a reliable person to reach out to?
Certainly not.. because inconsistency in conduct will lead to a loss of trust.

An emotionally balanced person is always considered a trustworthy person as far as relationship building is concerned. That is the base for relationship building.

Expertise in functional or domain:

We cannot build credibility even if we are good in relationships but lack expertise in our function or domain.

Highly credible people are not just available for access but also share their knowledge and wisdom from their functional expertise whenever an opportunity arises. They will demonstrate their thought leadership by sharing their perspectives, ideas, and references whenever others need them.

They will consciously develop or polish their competency in their functional expertise.

Building credibility is a long-term, time-consuming process primarily around relationships and expertise in functional areas.

It is about character building, staying relevant in functional expertise, and sharing with others. 
There is no shortcut to building credibility…
 Have a great week ahead.

Building Credibility to influence

  Building Credibility to influence

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

We discussed some of the mindsets of highly influential people in the workplace to get things done. We mentioned win-winhow they look at work, and clarity of what they need.

One of the practices or efforts put by highly influencing people is developing Credibility at the workplace among peers, colleagues, junior colleagues, and customers.

What is meant by Credibility?

Credibility is all about the believable or trustworthiness of 
someone in some aspects.
For example,

You may have some clarification in tax filing. Whom do you approach or consult?

A well-known practicing chartered accountant/auditor only.

Because we firmly believe or trust them as they have proven qualifications and practices. That is the Credibility they earn or possess.

Credibility comes from consistent action or behavior on character or demonstrating domain expertise.

How Credibility has an impact on influencing?

Any transaction in a professional environment happens through TRUST. The Trust will come from repetitive behavior or demonstrating expertise consistently. When we earn the Trust, others will respect our ideas or plan and be ready to follow us. In that way, we can get things done at the workplace.

Relatively we have an edge to influence or sell our ideas to others over those who do not build Credibility.

Recently one of the retired CEO from corporate published his book on career planning and became a GENUINE best seller in the market. He had not spent any money on advertising. He has only built Credibility for the last 20 years as a leadership and management expert. People believed that he might also have some message on career planning and make it a big success. That is the power of Credibility in influencing.

When we have some technical or business challenges, we approach some people for solutions because they establish Credibility as thought leaders in respective technical or business aspects. We readily accept them as they earn our Trust and respect.

Building Credibility is one of the traits of every professional at any level and requires consistency and time to build. Once we make Credibility, it will have a compounding effect on the influencing power.
Let us discuss the various methodologies to build Credibility next week.
Have a great week ahead!

What do you want?

  What do you want? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we discuss the mindset and practices used by highly influencing people to get things done, we have highlighted the two mindsets like, 
"Win-Win Mindset" and "How do you see yourself? ".
The third practice is "Outcome based thinking," which is a powerful practice by all effective people.
Outcome-based thinking :

It is all about starting any interaction or business deal with the objective.
It is all about clarifying what we want to achieve in the end.

It is beyond visualization. 
Why is this important?

  • When you start with the end objective, it brings focus within you.
  • Half the battle is won when you start with the end objective and express yourself to others about your expectation.
  • It connects with others as they are in a position to listen 
  • When you start with the end objective, you likely think about what may go wrong and proactively prepare for it.

When starting any conversation or deal, the thought process of highly influencing people is as follows.

What do i want at the end?
What do others want, and what may be their objection?
If there is an objection, what would be my counteroffer? 
How will i bring to a conclusion with a win-win mindset?

In project management, one of the traits expected from a successful project manager is OUTCOME BASED Thinking and STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT and Having Plan B if something goes against the plan.
Anyone can develop outcome-based thinking with practice.

For example, when proposing a new idea to colleagues and management/clients, you can always apply outcome-based thinking and likely win the proposal.

What do I want at the end?
My idea has to be acceptable by others as such, or with minor modification
What is others' need, and what may be their objection?
How the new idea may affect others and what could be their views
If there is an objection, what is my counter-deal to be a win-win?
If my idea is not acceptable as such, what could be my other alternative which is fine for  others ( Proactiveness)
How I will bring it to a conclusion?
Either i withdraw my idea( loss-win)  or accept another's suggestion to modify my idea (win-win)
We positively influence others when we think about the outcome before the start.

The mindset is straightforward. In reality, except few, most of us are not proactively prepared for 360 views when we start, which causes us to be poor in influencing.

It just needs awareness and preparation with practice before getting into any conversation or business deal.
Have a great week ahead.

How do you see yourself?

  How do you see yourself?  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
Last week, we discussed the mindset of win-win in every interaction and business dealing to enhance influencing skills in the workplace.
Enhancing influencing skills is one of the primary skill sets everyone should develop, and it is not a quick fix or set of techniques.
Developing the influencing skill is a combination of mindset, behavior, practices, and more you are aware of, and applying it will make you a better influencer at the workplace.
From that perspective, we will discuss a set of mindsets and practices which we can observe and relate with the most influencing personalities.
One such mindset is a win-win mindset.

The second mindset or belief is how you see yourself. 
What is meant by "seeing yourself"?

It is all about how you perceive/look at your position and yourself in the professional setup.

It is not the position title or how others see you.
For example, the organization gives you the title of Quality Head. It is provided by others or perceived by others. That is ok, but how you see yourself determines your influencing power.
Are you feeling like an empowered quality head, or are you one among the functional head? The honest reflection will bring a new perspective to you about yourself.
Why is this reflection important?
How you see yourself and your feelings will enhance your self-esteem. It will change your outlook, body language, tone, ownership feeling, or responsibility.
I came across many people who own their functional responsibility beyond their title, and eventually, people respect them, even though, in the beginning, they were misunderstood.

You can also relate to some people who use the following phrase, who will go beyond their boundaries to make it happen.
My production speed or output  will go down
My quality will affect…
My inventory will go up …

That verbal language reflects their ownership, and they will be influencers relatively compared to others.
In one of my client organizations, management recruited a junior storekeeper who had core experience in that function. The organization has an open store concept in which anyone can pick the material with verbal approval from the plant head, and anytime they update the records. After the new storekeeper took charge of the role, he refused to issue the material on an ad-hoc basis even though he was directed by the plant head to do so.
He firmly stated that he was the custodian of materials, was accountable for inventory value, and could not accept or issue material without proper documentation, even if directed by the plant head. Initially, people did not accept him; later on, they respected him as he influenced them to bring the right way of working.

My key learning is that he looks at his position as more powerful, and that feeling makes him more commanding and influencing people to do the right things.
The point is how you look at your position, and yourself will enhance your feel about yourself. When you strengthen your self-image, you get the power to influence others. It is one of the mindsets of highly influencing people.

 Let us discuss other practices and mindsets next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Win -Win Mindset

 Win -Win Mindset 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we have discussed the influencing framework/process, we highlighted the importance of being aware of the context/situation. Also, being flexible in the influence style will help to get things done.
Now, let us understand more about the mindset, behaviors, and practices that highly influence people to apply when dealing with people and situations. They have never been perceived as commanding, misusing power, or rude, and people love to work with them. They easily get things done in the workplace despite the challenges.

Understanding and practicing those mindsets, behavior, and practices will help you become a high-influencing person in the workplace.
One such primary mindset that influences people to operate is a Win-Win mindset.
What is a Win-Win mindset?

Win-Win is a state of mind in which we look for mutual benefit in any interaction or business deal.
It is more about being empathetic about another person while focusing on your objective, fair, and flexible in finding a solution that meets both requirements.
Influential people ensure that the other person's needs are met in any interaction with others, either a small conversion or significant business deal sign-off.

For example,

You are spending time with one of your colleagues, and after the conversation, if both of them feel good about the interaction, get some value or solution or agreed upon mutual agreement. It is a win-win situation, and both of them win together.

If any of you leaves with an upset mood or gets humiliated or unheard, then there is a possibility of both of you being in a situation of lose-lose or lose-win, and either way, that will not be helpful.
In the same way, any business partnership works on a win-win basis only.
For example, one product organization signs a partnership agreement with the distributor. The organization has products but needs more marketing and distribution reach to customers. The distributor has access to customers but needs more products. When both sign the deal, they share the mutual value and gain revenue together. That is a win-win.

If anyone feels that the other person is exploiting others, it becomes a win-lose, and the partnership eventually breaks.
There is always an argument that it is not possible to have a win-win situation and mindset all the time. If both do not realize a win-win in the long run, the association or deal is not sustainable. In the short term only it works.

We can be in a win-win mindset only when we feel good about ourselves and are optimistic about our outlook. That needs awareness and practice.
This win-win concept is underrated, and if we apply it in all interactions and dealings, the ability to get things done will improve.

Based on this fundamental win-win mindset, some behaviors and practices are built upon, and let us discuss them further.
Have a great week ahead!

Being flexible in your influencing style

 Being flexible in your influencing style  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Last week we discussed awareness of the situation/context and how our influencing style helps to get things done. The third dimension of the influencing process is understanding the other person's dominant influencing style and being flexible to change our style accordingly.
The ultimate purpose of learning influencing skills is to get things done. This will happen only when we are flexible and adaptive to the SITUATION and modify our influencing style.

Consider the following real incidents in which we can learn the impact of flexibility in making things better or worst.

One of the product development organizations has the policy to approve any product proposal only when it meets certain conditions; for example,  ROI must be two years. The product development team put in their best effort and brought the new proposal; however, the ROI was not meeting, say it was three years. The finance head was going by rational and company policy. He insisted on holding the proposal. However, considering the features, the technical and marketing team was optimistic about going ahead. Everyone was right from their standpoint of view. The situation became inconclusive.

Generally, the CEO believes in the engagement type and wants to decide by consensus.
Now he took the lead in convincing the finance head to go ahead with the product development by stating the big picture of the product and its potential to change the company's destiny in the long run. (inspiring influencing). Also, he persuaded other functions to rework the cost and make it attractive. Finally, the project was approved unanimously, and the product changed the company's fortune within three years.
Here the key learning is the business head's flexibility to change his influencing type from engaging to inspiring and counter the finance head's rational influencing style. Just imagine, if he had not been flexible enough and firm to make decisions as per the team's decision, the company would have lost the opportunity.

Alternatively, in one of the small firms, the management recruited a senior person from a large corporate where he spent his entire life and believed in getting things done through a commanding influencing style. The family-owned business believes in an engaging type of influencing and involving all the people in important issues to arrive at decisions. The new person is not flexible to change his influencing style, and he soon lost all his teammates' confidence and eventually made exits. Here the problem is rigidity in adopting the same style of influencing.

Changing style depending on the situation and other people's style without hurting relationships is a winning influencing style of effective leaders. Ultimately things need to be executed, and relationship needs to be preserved.
The key point is we need to be aware of the situation or context, aware of our influencing style, and have the flexibility to change the style depending on the other' style and situation. That mindset makes us better leaders in getting things done.

Have a great week ahead.

What is your dominant influencing style?

  What is your dominant influencing style? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Last week, we discussed the Influencing framework and how different situations call for different influencing methods.
Let us understand more about the influencing Style or method
We must know our influence style when dealing with others and in different situations.

Influencing Style will have an impact on the RESULT.

Typically we will be using the following influencing Style.
  • Commanding (using authority/ dictating/ directing)
  • Rationalizing ( using logic/data to convince)
  • Engaging ( involving others /collaboration)
  • Inspiring (energizing others with aspirations/values)
  • Balancing-finding middle path ( win-win, alternate solution seeking)

Why do we need to be aware of our influencing Style?

Style determines the outcome or result.  
Style decides our tone and expression.
For example,

Imagine a situation in the workplace; as a business head, you need to solve quality issues raised by customers. You have to solve them along with your core team member.

Here the outcome is solving the problem. The solution's speed and quality depend on the influencing Style you choose.
You may use any of the following statements depending upon your influencing Style, which will have a different tone and interpretation from others.
"I want you to explain to me the reason for the quality problem" (commanding)
"Can you explain the reason for product failure for my understanding and let us find a solution" (Engaging)
"I don't want a reason to hear. solve the problem first" (commanding)
"Why don't you solve the problem ?" ( commanding)
"I think we can solve the problem easily. Let us discuss." (inspiring and engaging)
"5% rejection seems high, and let us resolve this by this week".(rational and inspiring)

We may use a different statement for the same situation that conveys a different tone.

What would be the outcome?
It now depends on the other person's influencing type with reference to the situation and how they interpret the statement and underlying tone.

The key point to learn is that we need to be aware of our influencing Style and use different influencing types depending on the situation and the other person.

Highly effective people usually use engaging and inspiring types except in urgent and sensitive problems.

Just reflect your dominant influencing Style.

Have a great week ahead.

How does the influencing process work?

 How does the influencing process work? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


Last week, we discussed the importance of developing Influencing skills at the workplace to get things done.

Despite your strong professional expertise, you will have growth only when you influence others positively to get things done. Positional power will help to some extent only. Hence we need to develop influencing skills.

The first step is understanding our influencing style and context, which i have given in the QUALITY OF INFLUENCE framework. It helps to understand the 
influencing process.

In any transaction with others, 
awareness of three factors will help to enhance the quality of getting things done.
1. Aware of the situation/context and its impact on you, your function, your organization
2. Awareness of your dominant influencing style, derived voice tone, and expression in terms of the statement
3. Awareness of your counterpart influencing style, derived voice tone, and the expression in terms of the statement

For example,

you want to delegate the PPT presentation preparation ( which you suppose to present to your management) to your junior colleague. They may not be interested in preparing, but you influence them to do it because you are using your commanding authority. Here the context is simple; the beneficiary is yourself, you use a simple commanding style, and your junior colleague gets it done.

In another instance, you must get your travel bill clearance from a finance person, and they are not reporting to you. The beneficiary would be you, and you can not use the commanding style of influence, and your counterpart need not be influenced easily by your style. He may use the rational style of influence, and there would be challenges in getting things done unless you modify your style.

In another instance, with the same finance functions, you need to get the payment release immediately to your vendor. Otherwise, the production line will get stopped. In this situation, you must get things done as soon as possible, and the beneficiary is the organization. You can choose different influencing styles like rational or balancing. You will get things done relatively easier than in the previous cases.

The key point is that every situation requires different influencing styles and must match with counterparts.

The awareness of the situation and influencing style of you and your counterpart will help you to be more flexible. However, in reality, as i observed, most people need to be made aware of the context and style as they use the same dominant style in every situation and are stuck in poor execution capability.

Just relate to your recent incident where you succeeded or failed in influencing others, you could see the framework's relevance, and you will get the importance of flexibility in style with context and counterpart.

Let us discuss the style/tone/statement in detail in the next week.

Have a great week ahead.