Dealing with fear -Recognize it !
Last week, we discussed FEAR and its dimension. Fear is unique to each individual, and through awareness and structured process, we can overcome some of the imaginary and fact-based fears.
In my personal experience, there is 3 step approach to deal with any fear.
- Recognize
- Subsidize with rational thinking
- Confront through Action
First, we need to be aware of the reality that we are afraid of something. This step calls for self-introspection and honest ourselves to admit the fear.
We tend to display some of the behaviors or patterns when we have Feared of something
- Try to be a high perfectionist to avoid criticism or rejection
- Try to procrastinate the activities by citing some reasons
- Want to say NO but not able to do so
- Hiding behind excessive work or social media or other distracting activities
- Micromanaging the task of self and others
Fear is an emotion; the individual only can identify the inherent pattern related to fear and acknowledge it. Once you recognize the pattern, you are in a position to address it.
For example, one of my clients struggled with micromanaging and was comfortable doing the task himself. During the probing process, he realized and admitted his fear of delegating the job to someone as they spoil his reputation. That moment is the turning point for transformation. The moment he recognized the fear, he was ready for the next step in dealing with the fear.
The key is to recognize the feeling of fear.
The action point is to list down all the fear you have in all aspects of life and classify the fears like fear of rejection, failure, visibility, success, etc. Also, categorize them, whether imaginary or fact-based.That is the first step in dealing with fear, either imaginary or fact-based!
Let us discuss the other two steps next week.!