Showing posts with label Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growth. Show all posts

Thursday 11 May 2023

Being flexible in your influencing style

 Being flexible in your influencing style  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Last week we discussed awareness of the situation/context and how our influencing style helps to get things done. The third dimension of the influencing process is understanding the other person's dominant influencing style and being flexible to change our style accordingly.
The ultimate purpose of learning influencing skills is to get things done. This will happen only when we are flexible and adaptive to the SITUATION and modify our influencing style.

Consider the following real incidents in which we can learn the impact of flexibility in making things better or worst.

One of the product development organizations has the policy to approve any product proposal only when it meets certain conditions; for example,  ROI must be two years. The product development team put in their best effort and brought the new proposal; however, the ROI was not meeting, say it was three years. The finance head was going by rational and company policy. He insisted on holding the proposal. However, considering the features, the technical and marketing team was optimistic about going ahead. Everyone was right from their standpoint of view. The situation became inconclusive.

Generally, the CEO believes in the engagement type and wants to decide by consensus.
Now he took the lead in convincing the finance head to go ahead with the product development by stating the big picture of the product and its potential to change the company's destiny in the long run. (inspiring influencing). Also, he persuaded other functions to rework the cost and make it attractive. Finally, the project was approved unanimously, and the product changed the company's fortune within three years.
Here the key learning is the business head's flexibility to change his influencing type from engaging to inspiring and counter the finance head's rational influencing style. Just imagine, if he had not been flexible enough and firm to make decisions as per the team's decision, the company would have lost the opportunity.

Alternatively, in one of the small firms, the management recruited a senior person from a large corporate where he spent his entire life and believed in getting things done through a commanding influencing style. The family-owned business believes in an engaging type of influencing and involving all the people in important issues to arrive at decisions. The new person is not flexible to change his influencing style, and he soon lost all his teammates' confidence and eventually made exits. Here the problem is rigidity in adopting the same style of influencing.

Changing style depending on the situation and other people's style without hurting relationships is a winning influencing style of effective leaders. Ultimately things need to be executed, and relationship needs to be preserved.
The key point is we need to be aware of the situation or context, aware of our influencing style, and have the flexibility to change the style depending on the other' style and situation. That mindset makes us better leaders in getting things done.

Have a great week ahead.

What is your dominant influencing style?

  What is your dominant influencing style? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

Last week, we discussed the Influencing framework and how different situations call for different influencing methods.
Let us understand more about the influencing Style or method
We must know our influence style when dealing with others and in different situations.

Influencing Style will have an impact on the RESULT.

Typically we will be using the following influencing Style.
  • Commanding (using authority/ dictating/ directing)
  • Rationalizing ( using logic/data to convince)
  • Engaging ( involving others /collaboration)
  • Inspiring (energizing others with aspirations/values)
  • Balancing-finding middle path ( win-win, alternate solution seeking)

Why do we need to be aware of our influencing Style?

Style determines the outcome or result.  
Style decides our tone and expression.
For example,

Imagine a situation in the workplace; as a business head, you need to solve quality issues raised by customers. You have to solve them along with your core team member.

Here the outcome is solving the problem. The solution's speed and quality depend on the influencing Style you choose.
You may use any of the following statements depending upon your influencing Style, which will have a different tone and interpretation from others.
"I want you to explain to me the reason for the quality problem" (commanding)
"Can you explain the reason for product failure for my understanding and let us find a solution" (Engaging)
"I don't want a reason to hear. solve the problem first" (commanding)
"Why don't you solve the problem ?" ( commanding)
"I think we can solve the problem easily. Let us discuss." (inspiring and engaging)
"5% rejection seems high, and let us resolve this by this week".(rational and inspiring)

We may use a different statement for the same situation that conveys a different tone.

What would be the outcome?
It now depends on the other person's influencing type with reference to the situation and how they interpret the statement and underlying tone.

The key point to learn is that we need to be aware of our influencing Style and use different influencing types depending on the situation and the other person.

Highly effective people usually use engaging and inspiring types except in urgent and sensitive problems.

Just reflect your dominant influencing Style.

Have a great week ahead.

How does the influencing process work?

 How does the influencing process work? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


Last week, we discussed the importance of developing Influencing skills at the workplace to get things done.

Despite your strong professional expertise, you will have growth only when you influence others positively to get things done. Positional power will help to some extent only. Hence we need to develop influencing skills.

The first step is understanding our influencing style and context, which i have given in the QUALITY OF INFLUENCE framework. It helps to understand the 
influencing process.

In any transaction with others, 
awareness of three factors will help to enhance the quality of getting things done.
1. Aware of the situation/context and its impact on you, your function, your organization
2. Awareness of your dominant influencing style, derived voice tone, and expression in terms of the statement
3. Awareness of your counterpart influencing style, derived voice tone, and the expression in terms of the statement

For example,

you want to delegate the PPT presentation preparation ( which you suppose to present to your management) to your junior colleague. They may not be interested in preparing, but you influence them to do it because you are using your commanding authority. Here the context is simple; the beneficiary is yourself, you use a simple commanding style, and your junior colleague gets it done.

In another instance, you must get your travel bill clearance from a finance person, and they are not reporting to you. The beneficiary would be you, and you can not use the commanding style of influence, and your counterpart need not be influenced easily by your style. He may use the rational style of influence, and there would be challenges in getting things done unless you modify your style.

In another instance, with the same finance functions, you need to get the payment release immediately to your vendor. Otherwise, the production line will get stopped. In this situation, you must get things done as soon as possible, and the beneficiary is the organization. You can choose different influencing styles like rational or balancing. You will get things done relatively easier than in the previous cases.

The key point is that every situation requires different influencing styles and must match with counterparts.

The awareness of the situation and influencing style of you and your counterpart will help you to be more flexible. However, in reality, as i observed, most people need to be made aware of the context and style as they use the same dominant style in every situation and are stuck in poor execution capability.

Just relate to your recent incident where you succeeded or failed in influencing others, you could see the framework's relevance, and you will get the importance of flexibility in style with context and counterpart.

Let us discuss the style/tone/statement in detail in the next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Developing the art of Influencing

 Developing the art of Influencing 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we discuss Enhancing Execution capabilities in the workplace, we have discussed the relevance of personal leadership for the last 25 weeks. 

The next part of getting things done is learning the art of influencing others. The others could be direct reportees, peers, colleagues, and clients.
What is meant by influencing?

Influencing is persuading someone to think or accept our ideas or act the way we want.

It is based on the relationship's quality and respect rather than power or positional status.

Everyone needs this ability when dealing with others at home or in the external world.

God has given us this ability the moment we are born. By crying, the child signals the need for food or care; the mother responds. That is one form of influence, and when we grow, we use different techniques to sell ourselves to others in every moment. However, in some cases, we achieve what we want; in others, we do not.

When our circle of connection enlarges, complexity increases, and we need to learn the art of influence, particularly in the workplace as a professional.
Why influencing skills is essential for professionals?
  • Commanding will no longer be effective in today's advancement in the information access environment. In the commanding era, people are looking for knowledge, but today Information or knowledge is available in plenty and quickly. What others want is wisdom or insights, or experience. By which only others are inspired with us. When the inspiration happens, it leads to ease of influence.
  • When growing up in a career, you need to get things done from people beyond your functional boundary, and they need not oblige to meet your expectation unless you inspire them. When you are not inspiring, you can not influence.
  • You might have seen many brilliant, hardworking, and sincere people stuck in their careers at some point in time. One of the reasons could be the lack of influencing skills despite their functional expertise.  
To become successful professionals, we must get things done and deliver results. From that perspective, learning the art of influencing is essential.

In this influencing Series, let us learn the following in the coming weeks

*Framework of influencing
*Human principles and using them to influence
*Proven laws of persuasion  and techniques
*Effective communication on improving influence

Have a great week ahead.

Summarising Personal Leadership on Execution Excellence

 Summarising Personal Leadership on Execution Excellence 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

For the last 25 weeks, we have discussed the relevance of "Personal Leadership" to getting things done or enhancing execution excellence in the workplace.
Execution excellence consists of 3 elements.

  1. Personal leadership, or how we organize ourselves
  2. Inspiring and Influencing others
  3. Knowing more about job

 We have discussed in detail Personal Leadership and its insights

Before moving to Inspiring and Influencing others, let us summarise the key learnings on personal leadership.
Personal leadership is about how we organize ourselves PROACTIVELY for the position/title or the TASK. It is the foundation for EXECUTION EXCELLENCE.
We have listed out some of the elements of personal leadership.

Time Management
Managing Expectation
Being Focused
Building Trust
Managing Energy

Time Management:

Time management is all about managing time for ourselves and OTHERS. It is more than how we engage in some activities and are busy.

Time management is purely inward motivation than externally monitoring time.

It is all about being efficient and effective.

Efficiency is how we do things right, and effectiveness is all about choosing the right things to do.

Efficiency related to skill and effectiveness is related to knowledge and mindset to choose the right activities.

We have discussed some of the behaviors at the workplace and how it affects others' time.
Expectation management
Managing expectations is all about being aware of what is expected from us in professional dealings and how we set the expectation clarity to others.

When we do not have clarity on the expectation, it affects our execution capabilities and growth opportunities.
We have discussed the difference between accountability and responsibility and how we connect with each other.
Being Focused:

Focus means directing our thoughts, energy, and time into something.
From an execution capability development of point of view, focus means result or achieving something.
Most of us need clarity on WHAT to focus on and HOW to remain focused in any endeavor.
Focus is one of the leadership skills which can be acquired through awareness and practice
Building Trust:

 Trust is a conviction or firm belief in others on some qualities built slowly through repeated interactions or behaviors.

Trust needs to be earned by an individual; it is not given by position or title.

We have discussed some examples of building trust  from  effective people. 
Managing Energy:

Managing energy is all about how we manage well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
People follow the person who demonstrates a high energy level and enthusiasm.
We have discussed some methods by which effective people remain at a high energy level.

Developing personal leadership is a continuous effort and learning experience in shaping us to get things done in the workplace.

Let us discuss 
"Influencing aspects to get things done" next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Self-regulation -Curiosity to LEARN

 Self-regulation -Curiosity to LEARN 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we outlined self-regulation practices to keep our energy level, we mentioned the mindset of acceptance, enhancing the circle of care, looking at everything from a TIME perspective, etc. One more important aspect i have observed in most effective people is a curiosity to LEARN.

Curiosity to LEARN :

Curiosity to learn means a strong desire to learn something NEW in the domain or field we work or something beyond the domain or field.

Learning continuously enhances our perspective about the domain, and the intent to learn makes us more energetic.

One interesting personality i came across in my consulting experience. I always admire his curiosity to learn something. Whenever i interact with him, he used to display pleasant looks and a high energy level, which i attribute to his interest in learning something new.

He has been from the financial domain throughout his career and claims to be a senior citizen!😎. Still, he works in a manufacturing organization to engage himself and actively contribute his experiences. He used to attend all my sessions. In one of the sessions, i  taught the complicated manufacturing system concept, which most engineers usually find difficult to understand and apply with ease. Even though he is from a financial background, he took the lead in using the concept in his manufacturing division and brought some clarity to his colleagues.
He could have excused himself by stating that the concept is far from his core finance domain or age limitations. What made him learn some complicated manufacturing subject is his curiosity to learn. He keeps himself engaged and displays high energy in his work.

Even today, he is a voracious reader of books on management, leadership, and philosophy, and he regularly recommends some books to me. Some of the books we mentioned here are all from his recommendation only.

i am correlating his energy level with his curiosity to learn.

The important learning is, irrespective of our age and background if we develop the curiosity to learn something new and keep ourselves engaged, it brings a unique perspective to our lives and makes us more energetic. 

People follow the person who displays energy in the workplace than passively.

 Have a great week ahead.

Self-regulation practices to maintain high energy level

 Self-regulation practices to maintain high energy level

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
In continuation of last week's discussion on how to manage energy levels when things are not going well in the workplace either on a specific day or specified duration, one  of the powerful self-regulation practices discussed was "Acceptance." The practice of acceptance will help to realize the reality and move along with the flow rather than fighting and losing energy.
The other methods by which we can maintain our energy level during low-energy situations from my experience are as follows
Looking at the situation from the TIME perspective:
Any low or high-energy situations never last forever. It looks unmanageable during the tough time, but when we look at the event after some time, it seems to be nothing. For example, we were clueless during covid lockdown, and for most of us, that situation was challenging. Looking back now, the situation's intensity seems small after three years.

The point is any good or bad situation does not last forever, and from a time perspective, any event becomes insignificant from a longer time perspective.

That is why philosophically, there is a saying This too shall pass.
Create a space for your inner comfort :

We need to enhance our circle of people, places, or activities which can boost our energy level and make us comfortable when we are down in a workplace situation.

For example, one of my friends was not adequately recognized in his organization for a long time, and others perceived it as an injustice to him. However, he never bothered about that recognition and constantly engaged in charity work and volunteering in NGO activities. I realized he was more comfortable in the workplace because he had other activities to compensate for his energy level.

At least we need to have some trusted people in our circle( could be spouses or friends or mentors) with whom we can share everything by which we can feel comfortable.

The key point is that we need to find a space to be comfortable in low-energy situations.

There could be some other self-regulation practices each one can find to manage the low energy situations
The idea of self-regulation practice is to manage any situation with a balanced approach so that our energy level will be high at the workplace to get things done.

Have a great week ahead!

How to manage energy during challenging times?

  How to manage energy during challenging times? 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
We are discussing the methods by which effective people stay energetic in the workplace, enabling them to get things done efficiently.
One of my friends asked a question that is relevant to this topic. The question is, " Not all days, things will go as we wish. How do we manage high energy levels when the situation is unfavorable?" 

True...Not all days, things will go as we like. Situations like customers firing us, colleagues or junior colleagues in agitation mode, conflict with peers, or inordinate delays in getting things done due to beyond our control lead to disappointment, anger, and frustration.

How do we maintain a high energy level, at least, to be in a balanced mood?

Experts in emotional intelligence suggest the practice of self-regulation.
Self-regulation means the ability/ skill to deal with our emotions calmly and deliberate about how we want to show up at work and move on.
One of the self-regulation practices is Acceptance.
Acceptance :

Acceptance of situations or people is a very powerful self-regulation practice.

For example, imagine a situation where you must meet your customer to propose solutions for a problem, and your important colleague is much more familiar with the subject than you need to accompany you. Last minute, he/ she withdraws from participation for silly or manageable reasons. You are wondering whether it happens by chance or by choice of a colleague whom you do not like much in general.
Now you need to face the customer independently and get the proposal acceptable. Else it would affect your creditability. That is reality.

Would you get upset with the situation, worry about the outcome, blame or get angry with your colleagues for last-minute withdrawal, feel helpless to manage alone, or accept the situation and colleague as such?

We often do not accept and tend to go against reality, putting more pressure on our peace.

When we accept the situation and acknowledge the feeling, we can mentally manage the situation relatively well. Acceptance will give you the mental strength to think about the next step.

In contrast, when we do not accept the situation or people as such, we are still in the mode of negative emotions, which further drains our energy level.

Misunderstanding about Acceptance:

Acceptance does not mean that we have given up and accepted the mediocre. It is all about grounding ourselves with reality, acknowledging the negative emotions at that moment, and preparing ourselves to think about the next actions rather than fighting against reality.
Is it easy to be in an acceptance mindset always?

It is not easy for all to accept the situation and people. However, when we practice in small events, it helps us to manage higher challenges in the workplace.

For example, when you are stuck in traffic, are you accepting the situation calmly or blaming/being restless? Those are the moments that test our acceptance capability.
That awareness of Acceptance is a self-regulation practice to be at a positive energy level.

Let us discuss some other self-regulation practices next week.
Have a great week ahead.

Work with passion

  Work with passion 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As we discussed how we could enhance our energy level in the workplace to inspire and influence others to get things done, we discussed some of the practices by effective people, like self-compassion, responsibility, and starting the day with leisure rituals. In line with this, the next ultimate energy booster is doing the work with passion.

The meaning of passion is a strong liking, love, desire, or devotion to something.

Doing anything with passion or love will boost your energy level, which you might have experienced many times in the workplace. Passion comes only when we know that our work aligns with our higher purpose and values. Some people are gifted enough to find their passion at a young age and find a career in line with it. They do what they love.

However, in reality, it is different for all people. Finding and doing work wholly aligned with purpose is rare. They have to love what they do.

For them, it is essential to realize two things.

1. first, realize that every work has an inherent purpose and contributes to others, the organization, and society.
2. they need to find meaning in their work by changing the perspective of the work itself.

How to find meaning in work?

How we look at our work changes the perception of our work. In turn, it kindles our passion. one of the following popular stories will relate to it.

Once three people were working on the bridge construction. The stranger approached the first person and asked what he was doing. The person said, "Can't you see i am laying stones?." The stranger quickly moved on to the second person and asked the same question. The person replied, "I am working on my income to care for myself and my family."

      The stranger moved on to the third person and asked him what he was doing. The person replied smilingly, "I am building a bridge; once the bridge construction is over, many people will pass on. I am helping others to move fast. This bridge will be here centuries after I am gone."    

       This is a well-known story, and the profound message is that how you look at your work with a higher purpose makes a difference in your quality of work and life. Irrespective of our profession, we are doing our bit to benefit others. 

When we realize the purpose of our work in the big picture, the work will enhance our energy level in the workplace.

The key point is to do what you love or love what you do... You need to get high energy from work. People follow the person who demonstrates high energy and enthusiasm.

Have a great week ahead...

How do effective people manage their energy? Taking Responsibility

 How do effective people manage their energy? Taking Responsibility

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
We are discussing the mindset and practices of highly effective people for being at a high energy level in the workplace, through which they get the power to influence others to get things done. In line with that, we have discussed the importance of self-compassion and starting the day with leisure and rituals.

The next practice we can observe in the most effective people is taking responsibility and stopping blaming game.

The definition of responsibility is the mental ability to respond to a situation.

When we confront an adverse situation in the workplace, either we own the problem or blame others for being in the situation.

When we own the situation, we tend to find solutions by fixing the process or educating the people. In this process, we eventually near to solutions or solve the problem. When we are part of the solutions, we feel elated and tend to be at a high energy level thereon.

Whereas, when we blame others, others find a reason to defend or reciprocate the blaming. In this process, we tend to be upset, angry, helpless, and, in turn, feel low energy levels.

The choice of taking responsibility help.

How do people demonstrate responsibility in adverse situations?

One of my bosses is very sharp in observation; the moment he realizes something is wrong in the situation due to some people, he immediately responds with the statement, " Ok, what needs to be done now?

The statement is powerful and turns all the people to look toward the solutions instead of looking for someone to blame. He sets the culture of taking responsibility in the organization rather than creating chaos through blaming and arguing. That is the power of taking responsibility.

To get a sense of responsibility, suggest experimenting next time when you confront adverse workplace situations.

Taking responsibility will give us a higher energy level than being inactive or blaming others. Awareness and practice help us to become more energetic in the workplace.

Have a great week ahead.

Sunday 15 January 2023

Staying focused in a day to day life

  Staying focused in a day to day life 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
As part of managing self to get things done, one of the self-development areas is being focused. Last few weeks, we have discussed how the leaders demonstrate the focus in the organization and make the team also focus at the macro level/organization level / medium term.

Now let us discuss how effectively people stay focused in day-to-day activities/micro level / individual level.

It is very challenging to remain focused on our daily activities and results as distractions may be created by ourselves through our practices and others. Some effective people overcome by consciously practicing some behaviors which i observe and learn from them.
  1. They have clarity about what they want or what agenda to fulfill in a day.
  2. They maintain a "To do list" on a piece of paper and ensure to check at the end of the day.
  3. They convert their agenda into key performance indicators (KPIs) that they measure and track periodically. We speak ideas most and forget them, but converting the idea into metrics will improve the focus.
  4. They will always start with END. This habit will help them focus on the result rather than being distracted by the activities.
  5. They are more prudent about "what not to do or what not to talk" about than what to do. Focus is all about what not to do and what to do.
In one of the firms, the business head casually shared his plan to go about technology degradation through investment. The team was then working on solving quality issues in the existing technology. When they heard about the business head's plan for upgradation, they stopped working on problem-solving. They pointed out the new technology could be the panacea for all the problems ...complete focus distraction!! by sharing untimely information.
  1. They manage and conduct the meetings very well, as distractions mostly happen in meeting forums. They organize themselves very well by certain behaviors like putting the mobile in silent mode, going by the agenda, taking notes, and involving all stakeholders.
  2. Even if someone distracts from the agenda, they will bring it back to the agenda quickly as they know it is one of the core jobs of chairing the meetings. Sometimes when the discussion gets into conflict, they brilliantly handle it or, worst case, make it offline to remain focused.
You might have observed the above behaviors and something more.
The point is that staying focused is a choice irrespective of the environment, and this is one of the mindsets that help us to stay focused. When we, as leaders/managers, remain focused, the team will also stay focused and enable us to get things done.

Have a great week ahead.

Being focused-How do effective people display?

 Being focused-How do effective people display?  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As part of "managing self" to get things done, one of the self-development areas is being focused. Last week, we discussed how the leaders demonstrate the focus in the organization and make the team also focus.

In continuation of it one more example in the Indian automobile industry is Bajaj auto's transformation from being a domestic scooter manufacturing organization to one of the world's largest exporters of motorcycle organizations in a decade.

Before 2000, Bajaj auto was widely known as a scooter manufacturing company with a decent presence in motorcycles. They focused more on the Indian market, with a sizable market share in the two-wheeler industry. That is the legacy created by Rahul Bajaj as a founder. In 2005, the next generation Rajiv Bajaj took the managing director role and decided to focus only on motorcycles to take the company globally and dropped the scooter business completely. At that time, there was skepticism about his decision to leave the scooter legacy even at the family and industry levels.
Despite all the concerns and noises, he single-mindedly focussed only on motorcycles, developed new products in all the ranges, tied up with many international companies as partners, and exported to many countries apart from the domestic market.

To cut short the story, today, Bajaj is exporting to more than 70 countries, and the export sales are around 53 % of its overall sales. No other Indian company achieved this sales performance. The other achievements are company is globalized and cash rich.
Now having achieved significant results in motorcycles, he is again entering into the  EV scooter segment with the old brand of Chetak.

That is the focus till achieving the result.

Scholars and Business consultants may define the above achievement as strategy or specialization, but i  see it as a demonstration of the focus of the business head to get things done without distraction. Most of us are good at planning and need to be more disciplined in execution. That calls for focus as a behavior.

In this way, only the leader demonstrates to others what is priority or focus, and the team or organization is also focused.

Let us discuss how effective people demonstrate the focus on a day-to-day basis next week
Have a great week ahead.

Thursday 17 November 2022

Being Focused

 Being Focused 

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)

As we discuss the art of getting things done in the workplace, managers/ leaders must organize themselves effectively. In line with this, we have discussed the importance of managing time and expectations. The next aspect of managing self is FOCUS.

What is meant by FOCUS?

Focus means directing our thoughts, energy, and time into something. It is beyond the ordinary meaning of concentration in a single activity.

From an execution capability development of point of view, focus means knowing the priority and pursuing it till the end without distraction.

The priority can be achieving the task or business goal, strengthening relationships with stakeholders, building a foundation or stability, etc.

Most of us need clarity on WHAT to focus on and HOW to remain focused in any endeavor.

Focus is one of the leadership skills which can be acquired through awareness and practice.

Why is FOCUS required for anyone?
  • When we don't focus on the result, we quickly get distracted with activities and end up managing activities or being busy rather than getting things done.
  • When we do not intend to complete the task or achieve some goal, how can we expect our colleagues, peers, and junior colleagues to stick to our plan? People follow a leader who is focused on the end objective.
A few years ago, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates were asked, "what is the single factor that contributes to your success?" Both immediately responded with one word: FOCUS

FOCUS differentiates between dreamers and achievers in any profession.

Staying focused is essential, but it is not easy for everyone to remain focused as numerous distractions and opportunities will derail.Effective executives always begin with the end in mind and remain focused till they reach the end.Hence they are quite effective in getting things done.

Let us discuss how effective people trained themselves to remain focused and the behaviors they display to others to stay focused next week.

Have a great week ahead.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Managing time for OTHERS

  Managing time for OTHERS  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)
 As we have discussed the importance of being effective vs. efficient and punctual for managing time for ourselves, the other aspect of time management is how we manage time for OTHERS.

How do we manage time for OTHERS?

It is more about how we organize ourselves effectively so that we are not time wasters for others. Generally, we do not like to work with people who are tardy and waste others' time. When others like us, our ability to get things done will enhance. We need to invest in making ourselves useful to others.
We must relook at some of our behaviors and practices, which take others' time.
Let me list down some of the behavior which i have observed in many executives in the workplace which affects others’ time.
  • Talking on our mobile phones or chatting on the computer when some people sit and wait in front of us. We need to attend an incoming call, but we have a choice to have a detailed conversation later. 
  • Conducting a meeting without specific agenda, discussing general or day-to-day issues, and wasting all people’s time.
  • Even if we meet with some agenda, keeping irrelevant people and discussing with a few people signals disrespect to others' time and low engagement.
  • Switching between macro and micro or business and functional activities.
For example, i have observed in one of the organizations, during the monthly business performance review meeting, the business head got into a detailed technical review of the particular quality issue and spent more time on it with a few attendees. Nothing wrong with discussing the technical problem, but the subject is irrelevant for many of the attendees, and their body language reflects their concern about their time spent on the unrelated topic. Also, that forum is meant for business review and not for functional review.
  • Coming for the meeting without data/facts and wasting time in setting up the computer/ projectors/ switching between many files and distracting the attention of others.
  • Frequent follow-up: One of the ways we can make others waste their time is by not keeping up our commitment. Generally, we may not like to work with a person who needs constant follow-up to get things done. In some organizations, things will be done only by following a person multiple times.
We may be doing without our consciousness, but it affects others’ time, and if they are our junior colleagues or peers, they may not be able to express it to us as feedback. However, they prefer to avoid us, affecting our execution capability.

It requires consciousness of how we organize ourselves for OTHERS.
Have a great week ahead.

Organizing self-managing Time

 Organizing self-managing Time  

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


We have discussed the importance of personal leadership or organizing self to improve the execution capability.
Let us discuss one of the essential elements of self-organizing, which is "Time Management."
We have discussed many aspects of time management in the earlier discussion; let us understand how managing time will impact getting things done at the workplace.
Managing Time should be looked at from two angles.

1) How do we organize our Time for ourselves;
2) How do we organize our Time for others

 How we organize our Time for ourselves 

It consists of planning our priorities/activities, making a To-do list, being on time for any events or meetings, and being aware of our Time wasters.

 How we organize our Time for others 

It consists of how we respect others' Time, keep our commitments up without follow-up or reminders from others and be available for others when needed.

Let us discuss all aspects, and the critical, fundamental conduct for any professional is 
"Being on Time" or "being punctual."
In childhood, we used to be punctual in school as an act of obedience or control from teachers and parents, and somehow we have not learned the basics behind it.

Fortunately, i  learned the science behind "being on time" from the beginning of my career. As most of us are aware that TVS as an organization is very specific about being on Time (punctual). They differentiated themselves from others in their bus service business by punctuality when they started the company in the 1910s in the southern part of Tamil Nādu.

When i was working as a trainee in TVS, one day, i went for a learning session late by a minute or less. All my colleagues were inside the room, and then the Vice president sarcastically greeted me as welcome mappillai! (meaning bridegroom). I felt embarrassed and shamed. After the session, i asked him why he was so concerned about being less than 1 minute late. What he said was real learning. He said,
 "It is not a matter of one minute late, it shows how you look at your work, event, and other people's time. It reflects your attitude".

Very profound learning for me. Since then, i have never been late to any event by plan, and i will keep informing people when unforeseen circumstances beyond my control pull me to be late.

While growing up, i observed that many people who keep up on Time are cool, handle situations calmly, consistently grow, and lead a quality life. Quality of life starts with the right attitude toward managing Time.

In my consulting experience,i have seen a typical pattern that the leaders who arrive at the organization on Time and start the meeting on time relatively manage the business well in any circumstances. Because they set the tone of their attitude towards Time to others, the organization follows them. 
The first step towards execution!

When you organize well, obviously, you will get things done efficiently.

Let us discuss some more aspects of time management next week.

Personal Leadership


 As we discussed, Execution capability comprises three elements, viz. 

1. Personal Leadership or how we organize ourselves
2. Inspiring and Influencing  others to get things done
3. In-depth knowledge about our work or business

Let's talk about Personal Leadership or self-organizing. 
What is self-organizing or personal leadership?
Self-organizing or personal leadership is about proactively preparing ourselves for the position/ title or the job or task we do."

It is all about how we conduct ourselves, shape our character, attitude, enrich our knowledge and skill for the position.

It is all about personal effectiveness.

It is the foundation for getting things done.

For example,

Suppose you are a functional or business head. In that case, this position demands certain behaviors, knowledge, and skills like being a role model for others on respecting time, and people, expertise in functional or business knowledge, and specific skills to demonstrate. How you prepare yourself for those requirements is about self-organizing or personal leadership.
Why do we need to self-organize from the "Execution Capability" perspective?
1) When you have not organized yourselves, you can not lead others effectively. You can not improve your team's capability without improving your effectiveness
As per the law of organized performance, the ratio of a leader's performance to their team remains constant.

For example, if you measure your performance on a scale of 1~10 and your score is 8, your team score would also be eight or less. Hence ratio is 1:1

You can not change your team's performance score to 10 unless you also improve your score to 10; therefore, the ratio remains constant as per law.

The point is your team's execution capability, or effectiveness depends on your execution capability only.

To get things done, you need to enhance your effectiveness first.

2) You will derail any time during the growth stage if you are not organized.

As said, self-organized is more about disciplining yourself. You will get derailed when you do not maintain the discipline as the job demands.

We might have come across many talented people who derailed their careers not just due to performance alone but lack of personal leadership.

Some of the examples could be ICICI bank Ex women CEO or  Satyam computer founder's fall mainly due to governance issues from a business perspective or integrity issues from a personal point of view.
The point is self-organizing is very fundamental for enhancing execution capability. Without that, we cannot inspire or influence others. When you grow up, people look up to you for everything.

Let's talk more about personal leadership next week.

Developing Execution Capabilities

Thank you for your feedback last week on my request. When i analyze the input, most revolves around "how can one be effective in a professional life and how we achieve result in work or business." Some concerns about bringing ownership to the young generations to achieve organizational goals.Something related to the family business, conflict management, and delegation in general.

I observe a gap between what we intend or plan to do and what we achieve. That gap is due to execution capabilities. We want to get things done but struggle to get them for various reasons.
Hence, we initiate a new series on "Developing the Execution Capabilities" in a professional environment as an individual and an organization.
Why do we need to develop the execution capabilities?
  1. One of the studies says that only 8 % of the leaders are good at planning and delivering results. The remaining 92 % of the leaders are either good only at planning but lacks execution skill or struggle with both effective planning and execution.
We may relate these findings with our experience as well.
For example, we might have experienced many times that we plan to follow some good habits but give up soon. That is an execution discipline problem at an individual level.
Similarly, we may plan to achieve some level of business growth every year at an organizational level. Still, for many years, we may be stagnant at the same level of growth performance. That is due to execution problems at the organizational level.
 Execution problems may be a common phenomenon for any professional and organization. Unless we understand the execution process and develop the capabilities, there will not be much progress in professional life.
  1. Success and Growth come from implementing actions and delivering results, not just from planning or strategy or simply ideas. Execution is the critical differentiator between performers and nonperformers. The world admires performers only.
However, developing the execution capability is not as easy as learning concepts, tools, and techniques. It is a mix-up of managerial process and art.

Execution capability encompasses the following.

1. Personal Leadership or how we organize ourselves
2. Inspiring and Influencing others to get things done
3. In-depth knowledge about our work or business environment

Let us discuss developing the capabilities, the set of behaviors in each aspect, and some insights from effective personalities in this Series.

Summarising- Developing decision making skill

For the last 40 weeks, we have discussed the topic "Developing Decision-Making Skills" in the workplace. Let us summarise some key points before moving on to the next topic, as this will help you to recall.
  1. One of the primary responsibilities of a manager/ leader is to make decisions on any workplace challenges at the right time, given the facts and assumptions. Whether the decision is right or wrong, time will decide. It is better to make decisions rather than be indecisive.
  2. When we make a series of decisions that yield results, it eventually improves our self-confidence.
  3. As emotions overdrive logic, we need to be aware of emotions vs. reasoning in decision-making situations.
  4. Everyone will go through a decision dilemma, and one of the approaches to overcome it is to go through the " Decision Vs. Consequence" matrix, as it will give clarity to move forward.
  5. Understanding the problem and defining it RIGHTLY will be the first step in problem-solving
  6. As a manager/leader, which problem do we solve most of the time, " Adhoc or Chronic"? The answer will tell our managerial time spending and effectiveness.
  7. All chronic problem needs structured problem-solving methodologies, and everyone should learn the process of the structured problem-solving process.
  8. Prioritizing the problem itself is an art as there are numerous problems one has to solve. One approach we discussed was using the " Complexity Vs. Impact" matrix.
  9. Developing the "Data Skill" is a must for professional development. This skill includes the ability to collect the suitable data set, analyze and remove noises, see some patterns, converge on root causes, and sell the ideas to others and implementation.
  10. Most technical and managerial problems result from a lack of people and processes. Please be sure to look for the root causes from this perspective as it helps you to reach the solutions quickly.
  11. Selling ideas to others is essential apart from data analysis. We discussed some of the hurdles like self-doubt, fear of rejection, and fear of failure. We also discussed the solution approach to overcome the limitations.
  12. Developing Action Plan is a managerial art; developing the skill will improve communication.
  13. We discussed the checklist for decision-making, and one profound list is putting the highest stakeholders as a focal point to make the right decision.
  14. We also discussed the leadership patterns in creating a conducive decision-making environment in the organization where people love to work for the manager/leader.
  15. Ultimately, a senior professional is paid for deciding at the right time for the challenges. It calls for probelm solving and decision-making skill development. It can be acquired by awareness and practice.
You can read all the articles in the below link.

Saturday 3 September 2022

Leadership patterns for a positive decision-making environment (contd..)

Last week we discussed some of the leadership patterns effective managers/ leaders display to create a positive environment for problem-solving and decision-making in the organization.

Some of the patterns listed as i observed from many outstanding managers/leaders. 
  • Clarity on the problem & delegation level
  • Communication & expectation setting on solving the problem
  • Switching between micro & macro management of detailing 
  • Space for risk-taking & learning attitude to deal with failure 
 Having discussed the three patterns, let us understand how leaders create space for risk-taking and failure. 
Space for risk-taking & learning attitude to deal with failure :
Some managers and leaders, as i  observed, insist people take new initiatives apart from routine activities even though any new initiatives have the probability of 50 % success.
My first manager in my career always engaged himself in new initiatives, and half of it turned into failure only. Despite he did experiments and also encouraged others to do something new. More than that, when the initiatives failed and cost the organization, he always defended the team's intent and effort than the results. Hence, he was among the outstanding managers regarded by peers, and people loved working with him.
Also, some leaders encourage the team to learn from the failure and perceive it as experience. My friend, an entrepreneur, always uses the phrase " it is part of learning" whenever his effort fails in any new initiatives, and he moves on to the next.

When the leader always insists on learning and encourages the people to experiment, the people would show interest in solving the problem and dare to make decisions without fear.

Nowadays, large-size organizations encourage innovation projects by rewarding people for daring to do new experiments. A classic example is the TATA Group's initiative promoting innovations through the "Tata Innovista " program. Through this program, teams are recognized and rewarded every year for success and failure in innovative projects. The Management believes in experimentation and risk-taking.

To sum up,
  • It is the leaders/managers who create a conducive environment through their behavior, communication, and process for the people to take the lead on the problem-solving and decision-making enhancement.
  • Creating such a conducive environment is what leadership is all about and expected from managers and leaders.
Let us analyze ourselves and become a better version of ourselves as managers/leaders in the organization.
Have a great week ahead.

Leadership patterns for a positive decision-making environment (contd..)

Last week we discussed some of the leadership patterns effective managers/ leaders display to create a positive environment for problem-solving and decision-making in the organization.
Some of the patterns listed as i observed from many outstanding managers/leaders. 
  • Clarity on the problem & delegation level
  • Communication & expectation setting on solving the problem
  • Switching between micro & macro management of detailing 
  • Space for risk-taking & learning attitude to deal with risk and failure 
 Having discussed the first two patterns, let us understand the ability to switch in and out on the management of details. 
Switching between micro & macro management :
Influential managers/ leaders are aware of the management process and can converge and diverge on the problem-solving process.

Some people take an extreme stand on macro management and leave the execution of tasks to others, assuming they empower others. Some people try to get into all the nitty-gritty of the job, thinking they help others get things done. Each stand affects the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of people reporting to them.
Consider the case, as i  observed,

One of the business heads is balancing the micro and macro level of management. His style of leadership makes his team get things done with little effort.
For example, when he wants to conduct an event, he calls his team, explains his end objective, and leaves it to the team on execution details (Macro management). He is disciplined enough to review the progress. When the team raises some concerns, say cross-functional conflict, he gets into detailing (micromanagement) and clears the path (macro). It looks like he is nowhere connected to the team, and at the same time, he is available for guidance when required. His style is a standard management process, but there is a subtle difference between being in and out of the task and empowering the people. It is an art.

Because of his switching between macro and micro-management styles, the team feels comfortable working with him and problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities are enhanced among the group, as i witnessed.
Balancing macro and micro-management calls for introspection of our thought process towards work and people. However, the ability can be learned.
 Have a great week ahead.