Monday, 20 February 2023

How do effective people manage their energy? Self-compassion

 How do effective people manage their energy?

(Execution Excellence -"Ability to get things done" Series)


In continuation of last week's discussion on how effective people manage energy levels at the workplace so that they always display enthusiasm and balanced mental emotions to get things done, one more energy booster is self-compassion.


Self-compassion is being kind to ourselves whenever we fail, make mistakes or feel low.

For example, when some of our friends feel low due to a mistake, we tend to look at things from a distance and be kind to our friends. But, when we make mistakes, we are harsh ourselves and self-critics. That is due to a lack of self-compassion. When we do not understand ourselves and are kind enough, that moment drains our energy level further.

The ability to differentiate between our decision and self-worth improves our energy level. Some people are trained to be more self-compassionate despite failures or mistakes. They tend to bounce back from low energy levels quickly.

I have a friend who is a serial entrepreneur who has ventured into many businesses in the last 20 years, and unfortunately, many failed or shut down due to bad decisions. From a materialistic perspective, the world may perceive him as yet to be a successful entrepreneur, but what i have observed in him is a real example of self-compassion.

He always presents himself with professional attire and a smiley look and is highly energetic during any conversation. He is very active in the task throughout the day and always strives to be better in his profession. Not even a single instance he regretted his mistakes and self-critic himself.

He is clear in differentiating the wrong decisions and being a good person. That is the essence of self-compassion. 
He can differentiate his bad decisions/outcomes and himself as worthy. That is self-compassion. ( There is a thin line difference between being self-critical and self-realization of mistakes). i always look up to him whenever i feel low.
In professional life, we are bound to make many mistakes due to our decisions, thoughts, and actions. How we react when things go wrong affects our ability to differentiate ourselves and our decisions.

It is challenging to be self-compassionate as most of us choose to be harsh or blame others or the environment. It needs awareness and practice of looking at ourselves with kindness and differentiating from our mistakes.

Being self-compassionate helps to be at a high energy level, at least not at a low energy level.

Pl relate how much you are kind to yourself when you make mistakes..

Have a great week ahead.

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