Monday, 14 June 2021

Recognize others for good behavior & task

 Recognize others for good behavior & task 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)


As we discuss the topic of "People Skill at the workplace," let us discuss some insights on improving people's skill management techniques.
Let us understand one more cause and effect of people's emotions.
We, as human beings, always look for recognition; that is, we expect others to acknowledge us for our behavior and tasks. That is nature. When someone recognizes or acknowledges us, we tend to repeat the same behavior or task to them in the future as well.

For example,

You recognize your colleague who had managed a crisis very well, and you acknowledge him/ her and say, “hi, you managed the situation very well.” This recognition will reside with him/ her forever, and he/ she will repeat the same behavior/action when a similar situation arises. That is the cause and effect of human emotions.

(Note that you just recognized and acknowledged, not even appreciated, There is a thin difference between appreciation and recognition)
Recently, i watched one of the reputed CEO’s interviews in which he responded to a question,” When are the happiest moments in your work?”. He replied," whenever someone recognizes my work, I feel happy. Adding to that, he narrated, "When i  present something to my board of directors and when they acknowledge and say, “Presentation is good,” that is enough for me to feel happy.”
From the interview, i  realized that whether you are CEO/ Business head with a proven track record or a beginner at a young age, all the people, as human beings, expect others to recognize our good behavior or actions.
If you understand this insight and acknowledge someone for their good behavior or actions or effort (not even result), they will repeat the same behavior many times. That is one of the simplest ways to get things done and manage the relationship. (i.e., People skills)

It looks elementary and common sense, but most of us ignore this aspect either due to taking a granted attitude or being egoistic of not expressing out.

Many times i realized that only when we are internally happy, we do recognize and appreciate others. When we are in a low state, we never recognize the good things.

Hence, be in a higher, positive state, look around and recognize your colleagues / junior colleagues for good behavior and task, making us good at people skills.

Let us discuss some more insights on people skills next week.

Stay safe till then.

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