Monday, 14 June 2021

Book on Influencing

 Book on Influencing 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)


As we initiated the discussion on People Skills at the workplace, some people responded acquiring people skills is challenging, and some replied that skills would come by experience. In my opinion, all are true.
When we say SKILL, it is an application of knowledge. It calls for learning the knowledge through observation, books, other learning contents, and then experimenting with practical life.

Reading books may be helpful to enhance the perspectives on people's emotions, dynamics of action, or behaviors and learn some of the proven ways to deal with people's challenges.

Recently I came across one such book as suggested by a Human resource friend, and I think it is relevant for people skill topic.

Book Title: Winning Without Intimidation 

I suggest reading this book as e-books are available as this will enhance our perspectives on influencing others to get things done in a professional environment.

Let us discuss more insights about dealing with people's challenges and influencing next week.

Stay safe till then!

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