Looking from other's view
(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)
As we have been discussing the method of channelizing or regulating the emotions in the workplace, one more effective approach is "looking at the things from other's view."
In most human interactions, everything is right or wrong from the person's standpoint, exposure or experience, context, and timing only.
When i am considering my decision is right, that is based on my experience, my today's context and that decision may be proven wrong by some one's point of view from their expertise, background, and timeline perspective. When we realize this truth, we can develop the ability to look at things from other's views.
This ability will help us to channelize or regulate emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy from competitiveness into positive emotions.
For example, you may get momentarily anger with your junior colleague's quality of work, say preparation of the presentation. When you understand his/ her background, experience, you may realize their weakness, which will help you to cool your emotions and divert into compassion to develop him/ her.
I am not advocating other's mistakes to be accepted as such, but for every error of others, if you suffer from negative emotions, it is not going to help you. Instead, if you develop the ability to recognize the causes for the mistake or low performance from other's perspective, at that moment, that will make you be in positive emotions.
Some people are good at look at things from other's perspectives, and it is a skill to be developed!