They display certain characterizes with us during any interactions
They are more oriented towards past.Whenever we propose or suggest something, they immediately respond as follows
"I had already tried won’t work or I had done those days itself, nothing new".
Either way, like legacy or past wound memories, affect our progress on the proposal.
They are more oriented towards future, possibilities, and opportunities and always look for new. They are too optimistic or positive about new possibilities, but they may be encouraging you to progress.
In one of the interview, Google CEO Mr.Sundar Pitchai was asked about his selection as CEO and the reason for it. He replied with guessing that one of the reasons could be his practice of thinking and be interacting with his management team about the future possibilities of Google products and services. That may be one of the reasons he was chosen for this role.
The point is that legacy or past worries may not help today as the environment is keeping on change. The world is looking for futurist and who can think of new possibilities and opportunities.
Just be aware of your style of the thinking process and whom you are surrounded most of the time, past or future reminders?