Tuesday, 16 November 2021

i need to make the right decision always !!!

  I need to make the right decision always !!!

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

One of the myths most of us have in the workplace on making decisions is "i need to make the right decision."

The mindset of always making the right decision leads to either perfectionism or looking for more data/ facts and too much analysis, eventually ending up with not making any decisions or delaying the decisions.

Obviously, we come to know whether the decision is right or wrong only when taken and not while finalizing the choice.

The effect of this mindset makes the people either too passive in not making decisions or being rude to prove to the world that their decision is right at any cost. Both behaviors are not good for the individual and the organization.

For example, as a manager, you need to decide to recruit a person after an interview. Instead of focusing too much on the right or wrong recruit, you have a choice to focus on the process of shortlisting, interview methodology, and make a deliberate choice. You will come to know whether the decision is right or wrong only after the person joins the organization and performs.

The capability is expected from the manager or leader is the ability to choose with the given facts than looking for too much perfectionism or worrying too much about the consequence.

Another example, as we are aware of the decision taken by the TATA group some years ago, to launch a low-cost, affordable car (NANO). During that time, it was applauded as bold, correct decisions. Today, they stopped manufacturing the model itself due to various reasons. Would we say it was the wrong decision? No…When they decided with the good intentions of providing affordable cars, the assumptions were different. Today they decided to stop manufacturing with the market reality as it was different from the earlier hypotheses. They demonstrated leadership by making decisions with the right motive and available data points.

In professional life, depending upon the role and the situations, we need to make decisions with good intentions and available information; time only will decide whether the decision is right or wrong. We need not worry too much about the consequence.

Also, we need to understand that decision-making is not an event; it is a process. That means it is continuous and ongoing.

Hence, as a manager/ leader, we need to decide with available facts and the right motive than worrying too much about the consequences of always being RIGHT.

It is better to be active by making decisions than to be passive by not making timely decisions.

We need to be aware of our mindsets towards labeling the decisions as right or wrong.

Let us discuss some more myths next week.

Developing Decision Making Skill @ workplace

 Developing Decision Making Skill @ workplace 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

One of the competencies a professional should develop is making decisions in personal and professional life.

Generally, some of the decisions we take quickly without much thinking and effort like which dress to wear, what to eat, etc. Because those decisions are routine and no risk. Some decisions are difficult to make as it calls for more thought-process and effort. For example, should i switch careers from one industry to another?  should i diversify my business now or later? Should we buy petrol or an electric vehicle?

We are stuck in making decisions when there is ambiguity in the facts/assumptions and unsure about the future consequences. Most of the decisions in a professional environment are complex and uncertain; how to develop decision-making competency as a leader?

Why do we need to develop decision-making competency?

From a personal perspective, we are getting confidence only through our actions. When we decide and take actions, that will boost our confidence to take higher decisions and actions. we are growing only through our choices and actions

From a professional perspective, when we are growing up, we are being paid to make the right decisions based on the set of data or assumptions. Managers and Leaders are meant for making decisions, either right or wrong.

"decisions followed by action leads to results either good or bad."

Whatever we are today due to the combination of various decisions we took in life in many instances.

For example,

i decided to attend one training programme in 2008 despite time and high cost, which transformed my career.
i took an impulsive decision in one of the investments, which affected me heavily on the financial front
i took a decision to reject a career change opportunity from manufacturing to IT consulting, which helped me in the long term with high returns 

Whether the outcome is right or wrong, we make some decisions, which shape us into what we are today.
You may relate your life and the decisions you have taken in many instances that positively or negatively impact your quality of life.
 In a professional setup, given any circumstances, how we develop decision-making skills depends on how we process the information and counter the consequences. It needs some awareness of ourselves and the decision-making process.
 Let us discuss some of the insights in the following weeks to get more awareness of the decision-making process.

  • Misconceptions on decision making
  • Why do we have decision dilemmas or hesitate to take decisions in a professional environment?
  • How to overcome the decision dilemma or hesitation?
  • Skills to develop on solving problems
  • Tools and Techniques that help you to make decisions easily
  • How to inculcate the culture of decision-making in the organization?

Have a great week ahead!

Being aware of your time spending pattern

 Being aware of your time spending pattern 

(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)
We discussed the first important step to effective time management is knowing our priorities with reference to our position. The second step is being aware of current priorities or time management.

How to find your current level of time management effectiveness?

Some people are gifted with an inherent, sharp awareness of self, and they manage their time well. For others, a conscious attempt is required to be aware of the self-time spending pattern.

For those, the following methodology will help. This simple methodology worked me very well when i did in my current role, and some insights enabled me to change some of my behaviors in spending time in some low-level activities, and i could find some alternatives for the activities which i cannot delegate.

Hope this  method may be helpful to you as well
1. For a week, track your activities for every 15 min ~30 min time slot and note down the activities. For example, Travelling to work from 8 am to 8.45 am; spending time in meeting from 2 pm to 3 pm; Preparing a presentation for customers from 10 am to 11.30 am and spending time in the mobile app from 6 pm to 7 pm and so on.
2. Once you consciously track the activities for a week, you can group the activities under major categories like meeting time, traveling time, complaint resolution, spending time with colleagues, etc.

3. when you analyze your time with reference to various activities, you will find a pattern of useful, relevant activities to your prime priorities. You will find some irrelevant, not much useful, or useless activities that you can avoid or delegate to someone. You will get insights into your spending pattern and some of your behaviors that lead to spending in activities.

Once you know your pattern and its relevance to your current role, you may change your habits and delegation style.
To summarise,

Time management is priority management. We need to be clear about what is required for our role, and we need to be aware of the gap in our time spending pattern with reference to our core priorities.

Awareness is the first step for subsequent actions like avoiding, delegating, combining with other activities.

Have a great week ahead!