Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Why finding PURPOSE is essential?


Why finding PURPOSE is essential?
(Emotional Management for Personal & Professional Growth Series)

In continuation of knowing self more through getting value clarity, the next step in Achievement Orientation is to know your purpose in life.

There is a saying that everyone comes to earth with a purpose, and everything happens with a purpose only. There is a school of thought from a philosophical perspective that the meaning of life to live happily or go along with the flow. It may be valid, and only a few people are aligned with that perspective and internally motivated. That is a high-level maturity of living.

However, from a materialistic perspective, there is always a compelling need to be on a high level of internal motivation and achievement-orientation. One way of fulfilling the requirement is to find the life purpose at the self-level at some point in a lifetime. 

Given the realm of our education, knowledge, skillset, experience, and background, we need to find the purpose of our life. The tough question that needs to be answered is," why do i exist"? what is meaningful to me? What is the real fulfillment for me? What is my identity? , what will i be remembered for, at least for some time?!!.

The purpose could be anything as it depends on the individual. It could be making a difference, creating an impact on others, building wealth, solving a chronic problem, entertaining others, and so on.

Finding purpose is the exploration process, and it is not a one-time activity.

Why should we find our purpose?
  • When we have clarity on the big-picture of our existence, it will give a sense of direction.
  • When the direction is not right, how fast we move, the path does not take to the right destination.
  • When we do not know our true north and being busy with all the distractions of life, we feel empty despite all the success.
  • When we know our purpose, even though there are struggles, it won’t hurt much. When we do not have any clarity about our purpose, we are vulnerable to even small disappointments, rejections, failures.
  • When we are clear about our purpose, our journey will be enjoyable even if it is slow because we are aware that we are marching in the right direction in our path. That realization makes us feel good. Optimism comes out when we are clear about our journey’s direction.
Let us learn the different ways of exploring self to get clarity on our purpose next week.

Given below the link to an interesting video on meaningful life/vision/purpose, you may relate them.


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