Thursday, 30 May 2019

How are you perceived in the workplace?

In spite of your professional competency, how others are perceiving you in a workplace is an essential factor for your career growth. When you know the perception by others, it will be an eyeopener for you for both on strength and area for improvements.

Sometimes, you may not realize your strength since it is readily coming to you. Similarly, some of the weakness or area for improvements may not be known to you. Others are experiencing both, and they are forming a perception about you. When you know how others are perceiving you, that will give clarity to shape up your personality, which will propel your career growth.

How to know other's perception about you?
  • Identify 3~5 people in your organization who are interacting with you more frequently. They could be your boss, your colleagues or your reportees. Some of you may be your wellwishers and observing you from distant
  • Approach them with prior permission and tell your intention of knowing their opinions or perspective about you based on the association on the professional front.
  • When they give their perspectives, avoid the tendency to defend or justify you
  • Thank them for their feedback and consolidate the findings. If same or similar observations are pointed out by many, that could be your strength which you can leverage further or that could be your area for improvement which you can work on that.
The above method is powerful for personal development process you can try it out once in a year.!!

Lessons learned on email communication.

Most of us might have come across the following situation in professional life.

"You might have received an email either from your colleague or boss or team or customer, and the mail content induced anger or frustration within you. Immediately you reacted to the mail by bursting all your emotions by way of words and pressed the sent button. Later on, you felt that you overreacted or subsequent mail communications led to friction in relationships or waste of time. In either way, you might have realized the incident should not have happened."

Some years back it happened to me to receive a mail from one of my clients, and I reacted very harshly in a reply mail. However, fortunately, due to some intuition, I kept in the draft without sending. I had given some time to read the contents again and again. Then I called the client over the phone, and to my surprise, the client responded to my call, patiently explained his views which were quite the opposite to what I interpreted the mail content. The problem was eventually solved and our relationship is continuing till now.

the key lessons I learned from the incident were 

1. Unlike in verbal  communication.we  may not understand the intention of the content in written communication. In verbal communication, we may understand the intention through tone quality to some extent. We need the patience to interpret the contents rightly.
2. We should avoid the temptation to react to mail communications immediately. Email as a tool is not for instant communication We can take time and respond.
3. Even the mail content evokes negative emotions; we can give some time to dilute the emotion Any problem is solvable if it is understood in the right perspective and good state of mind.

To sum up, we should not react to email communications while in emotionally feeling low. Take time and then respond for better relationships and quality of life.

Summing up -Leadership Development Process

As we discussed last 35 weeks on developing leadership qualities from “ Inside to outside” perspective, now let us summarise the learnings as a temporary break on this subject.
Leadership is all about making a positive impact on others through your thoughts, words, action and delivering result.It is more about Inner strength which will be visible externally through your impact.

Personal leadership is precedent to organizational leadership, and it is the responsibility of an individual to improve his / her personal leadership qualities irrespective of the age, qualification, and position, and this is a continuous journey.
Steps in leadership development journey are as follows

Leading Self – (Self image / Taking responsibility/ Discipline / Being grateful / Faith)
Leading Others –( Building Trust / Connecting with care / Enhancing Tolerance/ Improving communication / Earning the respect)
Leading through Results –( Making Impact at self / Developing Thought leadership / Managing Result )
Leading through developing others –(Teaching / Guiding / Giving Feedback / Coaching)
The above steps are just an overview of the leadership development process from my perspective, and it is up to an individual to experience the process on his / her own.

Each one of us has the leadership seed internally, and that has to be nurtured with awareness and practices throughout life.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Developing others through Coaching

As discussed, on the job training and giving feedback are some of the ways to develop others as a leader in a professional setup. Another method of developing others is through Coaching.

what is coaching?

Coaching is helping others to improve performance either by acquiring new skills or a developing new set of behaviors to achieve the desired goal. As a coach, you need to be working with them on their journey till they get their destination.

This coaching requires more of your time and effort compared to other forms of helping. Coaching is more of handholding the person until he/ she learns new skill or behavior.

 For example, if one of your team members is taking up a new role and he /she requires to develop some business skills and you need to be available for guidance till he/she acquires the ability or developing a set of behaviors. Being with them as a guide either physically or emotionally is the essence of coaching.
To sum up, as a leader, you can help others to grow by teaching your knowledge, sharing your experience, giving feedback and handholding in the journey until they reach the destination.

 In today’s professional environment, people in every level need some sort of handholding in their journey of growth.

The action is that you need to ask yourselves whether you spend quality time to help others to develop in their profession irrespective of the size of people you are handling. This shift is required for you and your team's growth !!!!

Giving Feedback for Development

One of the powerful methods of developing others is qualitatively giving feedback.

What is meant by feedback to others?
Feedback is your opinion or comment about other's positive or limiting behavior in any task or performance.
Why is feedback important for development?
Each one has their strength and limitation which may not be known to self. When it is pointed out time as feedback, it may help others to reinforce the strength or help to give up the behavior in case of limitation by taking improvement action.

How to give feedback to others?
Before giving feedback, understand your intention as this sets your tone and quality of feedback, whether your purpose is to criticize or to help another person to improve his behavior.
One of the effective ways to give feedback is by adopting the following pattern in your communication. 

“ what you notice/observe as good or bad behavior ”  and  “ some reasonings to be good or bad” and " suggestions to improve."  

For example,

you observe some repeated mistakes by your team member while preparing a presentation, and you can point out like this
“I observed repeated formatting issue in your presentation and how this performance will irritate the audience on readability  and how you can improve  by so and so methods." 
or you would like to give positive feedback about your colleague’s presentation, and your feedback  can be like this
"I liked the way you simplified the complex problem into the simple picture, and this helps the audience to connect the concept quickly."
Giving feedback is the art of communication, and this can be improved in multiple ways when your intention of providing feedback to help or develop others.

Methods of Developing Others

As discussed last week, developing others is a prime responsibility of senior people both in professional and personal life.

Development of others is all about SPENDING YOUR QUALITY TIME with others when it is required by others on different occasions to help them to improve their professional competency and to grow in life.

How can you develop others?

There are multiple methods you can develop others. Development efforts can be imparted to others in the following ways.
1.Teaching or Guiding  about the work
2. Giving feedback

1.Teaching or Guiding about the work :
This method is more about transferring your knowledge, experiences, insights about the job when assigning work to your team, or when the team is undergoing challenges during execution.
It is all about teaching, handholding others by being with them before and during execution.
 For example, you may be the expert in “ Product costing, “ and if you are teaching or sharing relevant information, methods of calculating, typical failure modes, your experiences in different costing methods to your team member, then, that is teaching and guiding.
Sharing of knowledge to another requires passion, patience and good communication from your end.
As I observed  a few senior people expecting others to do the job by saying “ what “ and not spending time on “How.“Their thought process is not to get into micromanagement or not to spoil the thinking process of others. We need to understand the difference between guiding and minute level instruction or follow-up.    
 By consciously shifting your effort on imparting your knowledge to others, development starts.

Let us discuss some insights about feedback and coaching next week!

Have a great week till then!