Friday, 28 December 2018

How Trust can be built?

In a professional or family relationship, Trust can be built based on “Consistent behavior and action"  over a period of time. It is not a one-time effort. Generally, based on our past consistent or repeated behavior and actions only, others form a perception, that is trust.

For example, in a professional environment,

If you are consistent in keeping up your commitment  every time, others start trusting you as “committed”.Alternatively, if you commit something and everytime you show up with excuse, others form perception that you are "not dependable". This way only, you build the perception about you to others on commitment is concerned.

When colleagues are approaching you every time for a guidance or solution, if you are consistent in your approachability, then others are forming a trust on you as "easily approachable and solution provider". Alternatively, if there is inconsistency in your behaviour or action every time, you seem to be "vulnerable" and trust is not formed on the approachability. 

The point is that in every aspect of your behavior and action, if there is consistency, accordingly trust is built on the particular behavior and action.

 building trust is not a one-time effort, it is CONSISTENT EFFORT and if you would like to preserve the relationship with the team, customers, family members, show up consistency in your behavior and action on anything.

when you want to lead others, trust has to be earned by YOU and it is an effort!

Why should Trust be Built?

Having discussed TRUST is an underlying thread in a relationship; let us understand why building trust is essential to lead others particularly in a professional environment.

Trust is evergreen required quality in a relationship, with the changing working environment now, it is utmost needed to develop the influencing capability.

What is the change in the working environment?

The work environment is rapidly changing. Earlier, people look up someone as their lead for knowledge, information, age, and experience they possess. Now with the abundance of information availability thanks to digital evolution and humungous opportunities across the world for survival and growth, people are no more looking up for someone for a reason stated above. Instead, people are now looking up someone as their lead for their wisdom, insights, mentoring or solution providing capabilities for the specific challenges.

To sum up, the workplace is changing 
from commanding to inspiring, in turn, positive influencing to get the things done.

For any onetime transaction or for short-term benefits, commanding or pushing may help to get the things done. If you are looking for long-term association, positively influence others to get things done and peaceful transaction between you and others, building trust is required.

You shall deserve yourself as a person to look up, only when you develop yourself and you are proven as 
“ TRUSTED “ by your colleagues or networks.

In the above context, trust building becomes important.

The question is on what areas, you need to develop trust and how to build trust among people. Let us discuss next week!

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Leading Others (Building Trust)

One of the factors to enhance the quality of a relationship is building trust which will improve your capability to lead others.

What is meant by Trust?

 Trust can be understood as a strong feeling or invisible connecting bond between you and others. 

The others in your professional or family circle should believe or strongly convince that you are

1.Genuine in your intentions
2.Capable of providing solutions or doing something worthy
3.Dependable for outcome 

In any relationship, any one or all the above is strongly expected or to be felt.

For example, in mother and child relationship, the strong conviction of a child about mother is unconditional love and care, that is trust.

In teacher and student relationship, the strong conviction of a student about the teacher is knowledge sharing and care, that is trust.

In a doctor and patient relationship, the strong conviction of a patient about the doctor is cure from disease, that is trust.

In an employer and employee relationship, the strong conviction of both on each other is guaranteed on survival, learning, and growth, that is trust.

In a seller and buyer relationship, the conviction of a buyer is on the quality of product or service, that is trust.

So, in all relationship, there is a hidden undisputed expectation or strong conviction exists between both or anyone. That can be termed as TRUST.

When we understand the TRUST factor is underlying thread in a relationship, let us discuss Why building trust is important and how to build trust in a professional context next week.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Leading Others

The second step in the personal development process is to learn to lead others
What does “leading others ” mean?

Leading others is not just commanding or dominating others. It is more about strengthening the quality of relationship with others.It is all about the way you are connecting or relating with others. That quality of relationship will determine your capability to lead others.
Why do we need to learn to lead others?
To be successful in professional life, it is not sufficient to be “individual outstanding performer”, we need others for our success and growth.
Also, when you are growing up in a career, your relationship quality is equally important as your functional competency. Hence, it would help if you mastered the art of managing the relationship with others, despite your past success as an individual contributor.

How to strengthen your quality of the relationship?

As said, strengthening the relationship is an art and with a little bit of awareness and practice, anyone can improve the relationship skills.
Given below some of the factors contributing to strengthening the quality of the relationship.
1.Building Trust
2.Connecting with Care
3.Enhancing the tolerance
4.Improving communication
5.Earning the respect

When we enhance our perspectives on the above factors, eventually we can strengthen the quality of relationship .

Let us discuss each factors next week.