As discussed last week, our upbringing and environment plays a significant role in the way we think and feel about ourselves. Despite that fact, if we do not enhance our self-identity or image, it would affect the self-confidence and also the quality of life. Hence it becomes essential to improve our self-image.
How to enhance the self-image & boost self-confidence?
From my personal experience, three approaches will help to improve confidence
2.Widening the perspectives
3.Actions and achieving small successes.
1. Self-introspection:
One of the powerful and hard things to improve your self-image is through self-reflection or self-analysis. It is more about analyzing your inner feeling, thought process and finding the reasons or solutions yourself.
It is more powerful than listening to others, reading self-book.
For example,
Imagine that you attend a seminar, and you have valid questions to ask the speaker, but somehow due to inhibition, you do not speak up, and the event was over. In the end, you felt guilty of not raising, being shy and thought yourself inferior, low confident person. That impacts your self-identity as low.
If you want to overcome low self-identity and be strong personality next time, you need to analyze yourself in solitude by answering the following questions.
Precisely what happened yourself during the moment?
What prevented from asking questions?
What could have happened if you stood up against your inhibition?
How would you have felt if you did as per your inner thought?
The above similar dialogue within you will help you to improve your shortcomings, next time, when similar situations arise, you would become stronger.
Even though this approach is powerful, for some people, it is difficult to ask questions inward. But, from my experience, when you ask yourself and get answer yourself, that is the most impact moment to improve your self-confidence.
If you read some competent people, they use to do the self-introspection of their thought process, behaviors and actions on a DAILY BASIS.
Just it requires practice & time, and let us discuss other approaches in next week.